How to surprise the partner’s libido!?

How to surprise the partner’s libido!?

Watching a romantic movie, dining at a restaurant, getting a couples massage…sounds trivial, right?! Even if these regular, sex-inducing activities work for you, sooner or later they get boring, says Dr. Irwin Goldstein of Alvarado Hospital in San Diego. Fortunately, science is discovering more and more unconventional offerings that can fuel the passions. Here are examples of 6 such… 1. Adrenaline Instead of a romantic walk on the beach during the summer vacation, start, for example, surfing or diving lessons with your partner. After experiencing an adrenaline-inducing situation, both men and women find the opposite sex more attractive, according to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. “When we do something exciting, the heart races, the nervous system is activated, as in a state of sexual arousal,” explains Cindy Meston, lead researcher of the study. 2. Red wine instead of champagne You have decided to surprise your partner by preparing a romantic dinner in home setting… Great, but red wine is a must Women who drink a glass of red wine a day report higher levels of sexual desire and vaginal lubrication than those who consume any other kind According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, this is due to the fact that red wine contains high levels of antioxidants, which increase blood flow to key areas of arousal to the amount of a glass of wine, higher consumption can have the opposite effect on libido, advises study author Dr. Nicola Mondaini. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. Yoga Yoga not only makes us more mobile, but also improves libido, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Exercise helps establish a deeper connection with our body and sexuality. In addition, yoga improves orgasms by increasing blood flow to the intimate organs, says Lori Broteau, lead author of the study. Although it mainly involves women with sexual problems, the benefits of this physical activity apply to everyone, the scientists explain. 4. Spontaneity Intertwining your fingers with your lover’s is a nice gesture, but if you do it suddenly, it’s even more exciting. Even small acts of touching a partner lead to the release of oxytocin, a hormone that enhances closeness and arousal, as well as other neurotransmitters associated with sexual response. The important thing is that the gesture should be spontaneous. 5. Red A man who wears clothing with a fiery hue predisposes a woman to sexual desire, according to research from the University of Rochester. “Red signals status and power, and that turns women on,” explains psychology professor Andrew Elliott, lead author of the study. So ladies,as weird as it sounds – get your significant other to wear red shirts – you might want to take them off before dessert! 6. The scent… The smell of a man after a gym workout can be quite sexy, according to scientists. Sensing your loved one sweaty can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which increases arousal, according to research published in the journal Neuroscience.

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