Hyperspermia – what is the increased amount of seminal fluid?

Hyperspermia – what is the increased amount of seminal fluid?

What is hyperspermia? Hyperspermia is a condition affecting men that occurs when a man’s body produces more semen than normal. Generally, a normal amount of seminal fluid is considered to be greater than 5.5 milliliters (ml) per ejaculation, although some sources state a slightly higher limit (of 6 ml per ejaculation). This condition is the opposite of hypospermia, in which the male body produces less semen than usual. Hyperspermia is a relatively rare condition and significantly fewer cases than hypospermia have been observed. Seminal fluid is basically a mixture of sperm produced by the testicles and other fluids produced by the seminal vesicles and prostate. These fluids help sperm on their way to the egg. The term “hyperspermia” refers to an increased amount of seminal fluid, but the condition can be due not only to an increased amount of fluid produced by the testicles, but also to an increased production of secretions from the prostate and seminal vesicles that make up the the seminal fluid. The presence of hyperspermia does not negatively affect men’s health, but it can reduce their fertility. What are the causes of hyperspermia? The cause of hyperspermia is still not clear. It is normal for a man to experience temporary hyperspermia, for example after a period of abstinence, but the amount of seminal fluid tends to return to normal levels. According to some experts, there is a potential link between persistent hyperspermia and diet and lifestyle, such as taking herbs or supplements to stimulate the reproductive system. Other theories mention that an infection of the prostate causing inflammation may increase the production or volume of secretions from the gland. However, the exact cause of the condition remains unknown. What are the symptoms of hyperspermia? The main sign of hyperspermia is the production of a larger amount of seminal fluid than usual. Men who have had hyperspermia throughout their lives may not notice that their seminal fluid volume is larger. Some men with hyperspermia have a greater sex drive. However, most men who have the condition experience no other symptoms and may never know they have it. Bibliography: Zhang, Y.-J., et al. Evaluation on sperm parameters of ejaculates with hyperspermia Chowdhary, R., & Tiwari, B. Understanding male infertility and its causes Mayo Clinic Staff. Low sperm count

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