If you want a girl, eat more vegetables

If you want a girl, eat more vegetables

The consumption of vegetables and fruits by expectant parents increases the chances of having a daughter, say Dutch scientists. According to them, the high consumption of foods rich in calcium and magnesium, which are found in vegetables and fruits, in the weeks before conception gives promising hopes that nine months later a girl will be born. Delft and Maastricht are categorical – of the women they observe for the purposes of their research, 80% of those who follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables give birth to girls. Conversely, women who eat products containing potassium and sodium have sons. The last two trace elements are typical of starch-rich fruits and vegetables – bananas and potatoes. The study included 172 couples, with a total of 358 sons and only 2 daughters. For 9 weeks before the planned conception, the parents are subjected to a diet emphasizing fruits, vegetables and rice, which ensure an intake of magnesium and calcium. In addition, a permissible intake of minerals is determined. During the study, blood tests are regularly performed to monitor the levels of calcium and magnesium in the blood and the fertile periods of the women are monitored. Of the 32 married couples with whom the study ended, 26 enjoyed daughters and 6 sons. Scientists are still not aware of the mechanism by which the elements of food affect the conception of a child of male or female sex, but they are convinced that through a suitable dietary regime, the selection of the gender of a future child of the family can be carried out. The research was published in the journal Reproductive BioMedicine Online.

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