Intimate hygiene – a matter of standard and understanding

Intimate hygiene – a matter of standard and understanding

Did you know that the composition of the vaginal microflora and the acidity of the vaginal environment during different stages of a woman’s life are different? From the second month after the birth of the baby girl, the vaginal environment becomes neutral. Previously, as a result of the residual influence of estrogens received by the mother’s organism during pregnancy, it is more acidic. The pH indicator rises from 4.5 to 7, a condition that persists until the girl enters puberty. A similar neutralization of pH is observed once again in the woman with the onset of menopause. When the pH indicator is high, it means that the vaginal environment is more alkaline. In such an environment, the natural microflora loses the lactobacilli contained in it, whose main role is to protect the woman from harmful microorganisms that enter the vagina during contact with a contaminated environment or sexual intercourse. The substances secreted by lactobacilli support natural acidity and local immunity. The normal acidity of the vaginal environment is about 4.5. When the acidic content drops to a high alkaline level, the woman loses her natural immunity and becomes susceptible to bacterial infections. A white discharge appears, the mucous membrane becomes dry, it is possible to develop conditions such as bacterial vaginitis. Due to the higher synthesis of estrogens in the girl and the sexually mature woman, the immune defense is relatively stable in the long term. On the other hand, this immunity is highly sensitive to external factors. Intercourse changes the acidity of the vagina – male sperm is alkaline. This brings natural risks for the woman and requires taking adequate care of intimate health. We usually use soaps, shower gels and shampoos, the composition of which is very aggressive. Washing the vagina with ordinary soap again makes the environment alkaline and destroys some of the beneficial bacteria in the vaginal microflora. The combination of an active sex life and a dress with aggressive detergents is deadly for the natural defenses of the most delicate part of the female body. Precisely in response to women’s needs, the modern industry offers women a product for gentle care of the intimate area. Intimate lotions are clinically tested and hypoallergenic. Their composition is not only non-aggressive, but also adapted to the peculiarities of the vaginal environment, i.e. contain either lactobacilli or lactic acid. Thus, washing not only does not damage the delicate mucous membrane of the external genital organs, but also helps balance the natural microflora.

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