Intimate hygiene during menopause…

Intimate hygiene during menopause…

The physiology of the vagina is highly subject to various changes in our lifestyle. The vagina is sterile. It is “inhabited” by the so-called Döderlein lactobacilli, which are important for oxidation processes – the pH of the vaginal environment. During menopause, however, many changes occur in the body. They are due to changes in the hormonal system and are associated with unpleasant sensations. The intimate area of ​​a woman is that part of the body that should be given special attention in every period of life, as the skin there is very delicate. During menopause, it becomes more sensitive and standard products could cause irritation and even damage. On the other hand, to maintain a healthy intimate area, regular cleaning is crucial. Care must be taken in the choice of cleaning product as it can damage the normal pH values. It is recommended to avoid products that contain soap or strong fragrances, as they will disturb the natural balance of the intimate area and lead to feelings of dryness, irritation and infections. NEWS_MORE_BOX During menopause, vaginal pH rises. In general, the problem for women going through this period is irritation and vaginal dryness. In this sense, cleaning must be extremely gentle, and the product must be carefully selected. A number of products designed for intimate hygiene are available on the market. Ask about their specifics and choose the most suitable one for you. It is important to know that hot water should not be used when washing, as it dries out the otherwise delicate and sensitive skin in the intimate area. The water temperature should be normal – from lukewarm to warm. After cleaning, the skin should be dried with a clean and soft towel without rubbing.

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