Is COVID-19 sexually transmitted?

Is COVID-19 sexually transmitted?

Are you not concerned about whether the coronavirus is sexually transmitted? Because with the emergency measures against the spread of the coronavirus, what is left for a person but to seek some comfort in someone’s arms… When you are with a partner at home, well. But with this social distance for weeks, you can’t help but take care of your health and not call a loved one in the other case… It’s possible to a not so loved one, right?! They say that the isolation measures will trigger a new sexual revolution. Which seems to appease the older generation Z. Parents in the West were apparently concerned that real-life contact among young people had fallen significantly and interest in dating had been replaced by gadgets. We are of course another color and we love natural. Probably, we will set a good example for the continuation of humanity both in the West and in the East. The question of whether the coronavirus is transmitted during sexual contact also concerns scientists, probably not since yesterday, given the terrible size of the pandemic wave around the world. Researchers at Utah State University are doing a study on men who have mild or moderate covid. They did not find any traces of the pathogen in the sterma and testicles. The results of the study are presented by Fertility and Sterility magazine. The study does not guarantee zero probability of this risk one hundred percent, the authors point out, but emphasize that the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 sexually is extremely low. What is the nature of the research? 34 Chinese participated in it, who provided material for research a month after their recovery from covid. All of them passed the coronavirus infection in a mild or moderate form. However, the absence of the virus in the semen does not guarantee that it cannot enter the testicles, where the male sex cells are formed. In this case, the pathogen cannot be transmitted during sex, but the reproductive function can be affected. To find out if the coronavirus is capable of reaching the testicles, the scientists examined the expression of a pair of genes associated with infection with it. These are the angiotensin-converting protein ACE2 and the transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2. These molecules function as receptors for the penetration of the coronavirus into the cell. Looking at matrix RNA data obtained from the so-called single-cell mRNA atlas from healthy sperm donors, the scientists found that this pair of genes was found in only four out of 6,500 testicular cells. This suggests, according to them, that SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to penetrate the man’s testicles. The researchers themselves note that their study is still limited: the number of subjects examined was small and none of them had a severe form of covid. The load on the body in a severe form of the disease is completely different, and in this case it is possible to get the sperm infected. There is no answer to this question yet, but the results obtained from the present study are encouraging according to the authors. For the curious:Spermatozoa are formed for 74 days, in another 20 they acquire motility and pass through the epididymis, and for a minimum of another 6 days they remain in the vas deferens before ejaculation.* This means that the examination of reproductive material from a man a month after his recovery from a given disease is not absurd idea! Sources: *

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