Is sex during pregnancy dangerous for the mother and the baby?

Is sex during pregnancy dangerous for the mother and the baby?

According to some cultures, sex during pregnancy helps to make childbirth easier and smoother. Others forbid it outright. In such a situation, to answer the question, it would be most logical to ask science. And she categorically states that sex during pregnancy is allowed. But in order to be safe, it should be practiced only in low-risk pregnancies. Scientific evidence indicates that if there are no medical reasons for the expectant mother to avoid sexual contacts, she should not give them up for the long period of 9 months. There is no risk to the baby’s health either. Before birth, it is much more sympathetic to the boudoir experiences of its parents, as opposed to the period after birth, when it usurps all their attention and sex is rarely a thought. Trimester sex As long as gynecological examinations do not reveal reasons to avoid sex, it can be practiced during any of the three trimesters. The changing proportions of the female body also have their consequences on the libido and physical comfort of the woman, but they are too light a coax that cannot extinguish the flame of sexual desire once kindled between the future mother and father. And if the adjustment to the new lifestyle and the morning sickness during the first trimester rarely allow this flame to flare up, then the sex during the second and even the third trimester many women describe as their most satisfying yet. The reasons for this are even more obvious than a woman’s growing belly. The increased blood flow to the breasts and genitals sharpens the sensitivity of the nipples and clitoris and stimulates the natural secretion of the vaginal mucosa. All the prerequisites are present for full-fledged sex between partners, without any risks for the baby’s comfort. The only obstacles may appear in the second half of pregnancy, when the purely physical form of the woman will require more ingenuity and zest to achieve satisfactory results. NEWS_MORE_BOX And ​​if physical and emotional nothing should disturb a pregnant woman to have sex, then the situations where sexual intercourse would be dangerous should also be taken into account. The woman must take them into account, even without the need for the gynecologist to remind her of this. Sex would be dangerous in cases of pregnancy with bleeding or a low-lying placenta (placenta previa). As a preventive measure, sex during pregnancy should also be avoided by women who have had previous cases of premature birth. Sex in such cases can have adverse effects on the health of both the mother and the baby. However, if there are no such limiting circumstances, and the gynecologist gave the green light, take advantage of the call of hormones without worry and disprove your man’s impression that pregnancy is an obstacle to a full sex life.

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