Jealousy is due to hormones

Jealousy is due to hormones

Hey there, have you ever felt a twinge of jealousy when another woman talks to your significant other? Well, turns out, it might not just be insecurity at play—it could be hormones messing with your head!

New research suggests that women, especially when their estrogen levels are high (like during ovulation), are more likely to see other women as threats. In a study with 220 participants, researchers showed them pictures of a woman, one taken during ovulation and another not.

Guess what they found? Those with peak estrogen levels were more likely to view the woman in the ovulation picture as a threat. Blame it on the estrogen coursing through our veins—it’s making us feel competitive, especially when we’re biologically primed for reproduction.

But here’s the kicker: the researchers need more data to confirm these findings. While they claim women appear more attractive during ovulation, the pictures looked almost identical to many. And let’s be real, attractiveness is subjective!

So, before we jump to conclusions, let’s wait for more studies to confirm this. The research was published in the journal Biology Letters, so keep an eye out for updates!

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