Kidney diseases and pregnancy – success lies in prevention

Kidney diseases and pregnancy – success lies in prevention

Urinary tract infections are common in pregnant women. Pyelonephritis is observed in about 10% of pregnant women, and in most of them, the disease appears for the first time. Complaints remain in a third of women after childbirth. Microorganisms are found in the urine of every fifth pregnant woman, without causing any complaints. Acute cystitis occurs in about 3% of pregnant women. About $1 billion is spent each year in the United States to treat cystitis in young women. There is a trend of increasing cases of diseases of the organs of the excretory system and pyelonephritis in pregnant women. Complications in the postpartum period, such as endometritis and suppuration of the sutures, are observed in every second pregnant woman with a urinary tract infection. It is necessary for women with kidney diseases and other complaints from the excretory system during pregnancy to pay enough attention and take measures to prevent the appearance of symptoms of the disease. Acute pyelonephritis often develops due to the changed hormonal status of the pregnant woman and the pressure on the kidneys by the growing uterus. This can lead to enlargement of the renal pelvis. The right kidney is more commonly affected. In every third woman who experienced acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy, the process worsened in the last trimester. It is possible that pyelonephritis, cured earlier, will reappear. Pyelonephritis often appears in the next pregnancy of the woman who once suffered from it. Postpartum pyelonephritis occurs in a chronic form. Usually, its symptoms develop up to 12 days after birth. The clinical form of acute pyelonephritis determines the therapy, which is carried out jointly by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a urologist. Acute pyelonephritis is treated with known conservative methods and the use of medications compatible with pregnancy. In rare cases, when the therapy does not give an effect, catheterization can be started. Bilateral catheterization is also applied during childbirth, when there is a disturbed edema of urine from the upper urinary tract, due to spasm or obstruction. Pyelonephritis adversely affects both pregnancy in general and the condition of the fetus, as a result of which edema, increased arterial pressure, anemia are observed. It is possible to develop dangerous conditions hypotrophy of the fetus, insufficiency of the placenta, intrauterine infection of the fetus (which leads to the manifestation of the disease in the newborn), spontaneous abortion or premature birth. It is necessary to know that pyelonephritis is often associated with sexually transmitted infection with chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma. In the event that a woman planning a pregnancy suffers from frequent relapses of the disease, it is recommended to conduct a serious course of treatment with antibiotics. The goal of antibiotic therapy and prevention of urinary tract infections is to destroy harmful microorganisms in the excretory system and prevent recurrence of the disease.Specialists also recommend the use of medicinal methods in the therapy and prevention of the disease, such as an adequate diet and sufficient water intake. Various phytoproducts can be used for this purpose. Pyelonephritis is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. A successful cure can only be achieved in a close understanding between the patient and the specialist. Doctors recommend that in case of pulling pains in the lower back, as well as in case of any discomfort during urination, the pregnant woman should immediately consult her obstetrician-gynecologist.

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