Late ovulation: could it be linked to fertility disorders?

Late ovulation: could it be linked to fertility disorders?

How is the menstrual cycle? Normally, the menstrual cycle, which begins on the first day of menstruation, is 28 days long. Ovulation occurs 14 days before the first day of menstruation. In practice, menstruation occurs if fertilization does not occur and pregnancy does not occur. It is important to clarify that the egg may have been fertilized and the embryo may implant in the fallopian tube – then we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, menstruation is possible, but it is also possible to ovulate before the 14th day. When ovulation occurs before day 14 – this is early ovulation, when it occurs after – then it is late. From the first day of menstruation until ovulation occurs, the follicular phase takes place. The second part of the cycle, after ovulation, is called the luteal phase. The date of ovulation can vary within each menstrual cycle, and each cycle is different. Several signs can allow us to determine the known peak of ovulation: for example, an increase in temperature in the anus, therefore, when tracking ovulation, it is necessary to note the temperature every day from the beginning of the cycle. Another characteristic feature is the presence of cervical mucus: the mucus secreted by the cervix changes its consistency because it needs to become thicker during ovulation. Some women even feel the onset of ovulation – they feel pain that is associated with the release of the egg from the ovary. Ovulation tests are not recommended. Ovulation is a process that is very sensitive to stress. Taking the test itself can cause a stress reaction and cause ovulation to shift. What is late ovulation? The follicular phase usually lasts 14 days from the first day of menstruation until ovulation occurs. Late ovulation corresponds to a follicular phase that exceeds 14 days. Thus, ovulation can occur on the 20th or 30th day of the cycle. However, this does not mean that fertilization is not possible with late ovulation. In fact, the date of ovulation usually does not matter, and late ovulation is quite common. Late ovulation is not associated with fertility disorders. On the other hand, if the menstrual cycle occurs only a few days after ovulation, it is necessary to consult a specialist, especially if the cycle is shorter than 25 days. The luteal phase should always last 14 days, which indicates a good quality of ovulation. Conversely, if this phase is shorter, it may be a sign of ovulation disorders. The second phase of the cycle cannot last more than 14 days. Therefore, if the cycle is late and pregnancy has not occurred, then this is due to late ovulation. References:

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