Low libido or 6 reasons why we don’t want to have sex?

Low libido or 6 reasons why we don’t want to have sex?

Sex, headaches, what do they have in common and why does the desire for intimacy disappear at some point in the relationship? Everyone at least once in their life has had a situation where the partner next to them was not so excited at the thought of sex or had some other reason for not having sex. What are the most common reasons that spoil our mood before falling asleep? 1. Too much alcohol Alcohol is known for removing all fears and leading to more relaxed behavior. The unfortunate thing is that after we have consumed a large amount of alcohol, the view of the bedroom usually leads to another thought, namely how to just lie down and fall asleep. Sometimes the desire for sex may be present, but the opportunity to have sexual intercourse is absent, i.e. almost every man has had a problem with potency after drinking too much alcohol. 2. Side effects of certain medications The medicine cabinet at home, where we keep all our amazing pills for any occasion, can often contain medications whose leaflets do not describe that their use could lead to low libido. We must always keep in mind that drugs can affect other organs and systems in the body besides the ones we are treating. The medications most often associated with decreased libido are antidepressants. 3. Erectile Dysfunction Many people think that erectile dysfunction is something that is harmless and is only related to the inability to have sexual intercourse. But it is most likely that a man with such a problem has a disease of the cardiovascular system, which initially expresses itself in this way. NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. Too much stress Stress kills passion! There is no other such enemy to intimate relationships between two people. If a person is restless, has financial worries or problems at work for which he cannot find a solution, then surely this will sooner or later affect his relationship with his sexual partner. 5. Too little sleep Another passion killer is chronic lack of sleep. Sleep is a basic human need, and if we don’t get enough hours of rest, it could lead to problems with concentration, a lowered threshold of irritability, and hence a lack of desire for sex. Chronic lack of sleep can be the cause of lower levels of testosterone in the body, which is responsible for the sexual behavior of both men and women. When we get a good night’s sleep, we are healthier and look a whole lot more attractive. 6. We don’t like our body Nowadays, the ideal of a beautiful body does not correspond to the most common forms among the population. This mainly affects women who get complexes from the way they look and even though they have a man by their side, they don’t feel beautiful and sexy enough. In such cases, it is good for ladies to practice more sports and replace sweets with fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in summer when they are abundant. We don’t believe it, but sometimes it’s enough to make small changes in our daily habits,which, however, can have a great influence in a positive sense on a certain aspect of our lives, for example our sexual relationships.

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