Low testosterone puts a man’s heart at risk

Low testosterone puts a man’s heart at risk

Low testosterone levels in men can have consequences of varying strength and character. From changes in mood and metabolism, to disturbances in sex life and loss of muscle mass, the levels of this sex hormone can dramatically change the quality of life. For this reason, there are numerous testosterone therapies in which the missing levels of the hormone are precisely compensated. If testosterone deficiency is clinically manifested, with values ​​lower than 260-300 nanograms per deciliter of blood, drug normalization of its levels can quickly suppress reversible symptoms and restore normal sexual functions and mood. New research in the field reveals that the benefits of such therapy include an unexpected effect – increased protection against acute cardiovascular diseases. Scientists at Boston University School of Medicine recently completed their 7-year study of 656 men with low testosterone. 360 of the men underwent testosterone therapy, 296 of them refused it. The differences between the two groups after 7 years were surprising. NEWS_MORE_BOX Among the men in the first group who received the treatment, there were significantly lower levels of blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, hip circumference and total body weight – all factors that scientists believe support heart health. The second group, who refused testosterone therapy, had worse values ​​on all the above points, and their heart health was much more unstable. The most significant factor: 30 strokes and 26 heart attacks were reported in this group over the seven years, while not a single cardiovascular attack occurred in the first group. A cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been established, but evidence suggests that decreased testosterone secretion is an important factor in the development of heart problems.

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