Men liking big breasts were sexist!?

Men liking big breasts were sexist!?

Men’s attitudes towards women are largely dictated by their preference for female bust size. A group of researchers from the University of Westminster came to this conclusion. They surveyed 361 heterosexual men, aged 18-68. Each of the volunteers was shown 5 different 3D models of women with different breast sizes. Volunteers must indicate which of the models they find most attractive. The researchers also measured the level of hostility and men’s attitudes towards women, sexism and understanding. The results show that 32.7% of men prefer medium-sized breasts, 24.4% – large, 19.1% very large, 15.5% small and 8.3% very small. The research team found a significant correlation with overt sexism in men and their preference for larger female breasts. According to them, this is due to the imposed idea that large breasts are more feminine. The study is published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

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