Miscellaneous facts about the penis (Part I)

Miscellaneous facts about the penis (Part I)

We guys know them… They gather at the urinals and with their pants pulled up slightly, supposedly concentrating on the natural physiological action, they catch a story about the sizes… Anxieties continue with age, often some men doubt the size of their genital organ and begin to looking for means to increase its size… Not a single woman can understand why men are so focused on their dick, as if a few millimeters matter?! 1. Matter of size Consciously or not, for every average man, the penis is the second most important. The moment the boy discovers the penis, he begins to fall in love with it. In the next step, he discovers that the men around him also enjoy penises. This provokes questions in him and gives him grounds for comparison. The child is delighted to discover that dad’s is bigger, but why his friend’s… And so boys remain sensitive about the size of the penis throughout their lives, no matter how often even sexologists mention that length does not matter an essential role for pleasurable experiences in bed and abilities in life… Women we cannot understand the measurement of masculinity precisely by the organ, although gender. Therefore, ladies, psychologists say, it is advisable not to mention to him, neither objectively nor jokingly, anything about the size. And not to give an appearance, he will take it seriously, be affected and experience it deeply… From their practice, specialists share that such statements have led them to a problem such as erectile dysfunction, although in reality the size of their penis turns out to be like others. In their concerns, however, men should be aware of two things: at least half of women do not like the idea of ​​a large penis and are even afraid of the size; second, women seem to be more excited about his thickness, and that’s understandable. The woman feels tempted by the rubbing of the vaginal walls during the movement of the penis in the vagina, which brings her the pleasant sensations… 2. Let’s talk about perspectives This is the same rule that makes a painter become an artist. All that we see lies in the space beneath the perspective of our own eyes. Viewed from an upright head position, the perspective makes the penile length parallel to the pupils shorter. That’s why the penis of the person standing shoulder to shoulder against the wall with the urinals looks bigger. There it’s just that the length is perpendicular to the line from the eyes and they can catch it in the unfolded length. So doubts about the size are once again unfounded. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. The length! The penis in a normal state – not erect – is between 8.5 and 10.5 cm long, from the base to the tip of the glans. On average, the penis is 9.5 cm long. However, this measure is too misleading, since a number of factors can affect its length by 5 or even more centimeters, such as cold weather, swimming. So “shrinking” in penis size should not be a cause for concern. Yes, it is true that so,just as there are men with larger and smaller feet, so the length of the genital organ is different for everyone. However, this does not measure a man’s abilities… The opinion that taller men have bigger ones is also not true. An American study involving 300 men came to the following results: The largest measured penis among volunteers was 14 cm in a relaxed state, which belonged to a thin man with a modest height of 170 cm. The shortest penis is 6 cm, guess what… is a 180 cm tall man… More? In the sequel.

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