Nutrition and natural methods in the treatment of gynecological problems – 2 hours.

Nutrition and natural methods in the treatment of gynecological problems – 2 hours.

Hey there! When it comes to tackling issues with the female reproductive system using natural methods, it’s all about making some lifestyle and nutrition changes. These changes aren’t just about finding relief; they’re about achieving a long-lasting cure for problems like mycoses, ovarian cysts, menstrual cycle irregularities, and myoma nodes. According to Chinese medicine, an imbalance in the female reproductive organs signals an energy blockage in the pelvic area. To keep things in balance, we need to steer clear of such blockages, as well as issues with blood circulation and lymph flow.

One big culprit? Eating too many raw foods and dairy products, which can cool down the body. Especially during the colder months, it’s essential to bring warmth into your body with cooked, hearty meals and snug clothing, especially around the waist and pelvis area. Moisture and cold are no friends to a woman’s body, especially during the menstrual cycle when vulnerability peaks.

For those dealing with gynecological issues, getting more physically active is key. Regular exercise (aim for 2-3 times a week) helps regulate hormonal balance. Plus, incorporating exercises from Chinese medicine to balance energy meridians can make a real difference in combating these diseases.

Here’s a tip: every centimeter less around the waist is a step toward better health, as naturopaths say. In conditions like polycystic ovaries and endometriosis, which are linked to hormonal imbalances, it’s crucial to address visceral obesity. This type of obesity is associated with metabolic syndrome, which releases hormones and metabolites, disrupting the body’s balance and fueling inflammation.

Metabolic syndrome, a common issue among young women, often leads to insulin resistance and increases the risk of diabetes. It’s also a major player in polycystic ovary syndrome and other reproductive problems. A good way to tackle this is with a program designed to improve metabolism and tackle visceral obesity. German naturopath Angelika Wolfskyl recommends a combination of Schussler salts: #3 iron phosphate, #6 potassium sulfate, #10 sodium sulfate, and #12 calcium sulfate. Taking 5-10 tablets of each dissolved in water can make a real difference. Just be sure to watch your calorie intake, as this combo packs a metabolic punch.

Here’s another tip from the same naturopath: to tackle metabolic issues, ditch the snacks between meals and rethink your eating habits. Make breakfast your biggest and most nutritious meal of the day, and keep dinner light. Cut out sugar completely, especially in the evenings, as heavy, fatty foods can mess with your liver and colon functions, disrupt sleep, and hinder nighttime regeneration.

Now, let’s talk about exercises to regulate energy meridians in the body. These simple routines from Chinese medicine can work wonders for your overall health. Remember to do them daily; it doesn’t matter when, as long as you’re consistent.

First up, the Triple Heater Meridian. This one’s responsible for three key areas: the lungs and heart, the abdomen, and the small pelvis. When there’s a disruption in energy flow, problems like fibroids and endometriosis can arise. Sit with crossed legs and arms, then bend forward and stand up, focusing on your breath.

Next, the Stomach Meridian. Sit on your knees, bend your body forward, and raise your hands above your legs, then relax back as far as possible. This helps with energy flow through the ovaries and can ease pelvic pain.

Finally, the Liver Meridian. Even sitting at your desk, you can tilt your hands above your head from side to side to stretch. In Chinese medicine, the uterus is often referred to as a second “liver” in the female body, so this exercise can really help.

These exercises might seem simple, but they can make a world of difference in how you feel and function. Give them a try and see the benefits for yourself!

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