One night stand – be careful in the dark!

One night stand – be careful in the dark!

At the end of the working day, each of us needs a little entertainment and a meeting with friends. It often happens that from a gathering “for a beer” we slowly but surely enter the deep woods of nightlife. People who can boast of rational thought know the fact that alcohol has the strange property of suppressing it. Everything else that can happen to us later is a matter of time and good friends. As the evening progresses, despite the heavily clouded vision, one seems to see more and more clearly and becomes more and more convinced that the people around him are becoming more and more beautiful. At such a moment, most of us are far from thinking about a serious relationship, relationships and other important and serious topics. A one-night stand is seen by most people as fun without strings attached and without all the “bad” and worrisome things that can follow from it. However, is it really so and what can seemingly harmless sex actually do to us by the way? STDs are a precious gift that is lovingly passed on from person to person. They are the main danger that lurks during loose sex for pleasure, since many people do not suspect their carrier. The most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection is chlamydia, which is caused by an intracellular microorganism. The clinical manifestation of this disease differs between men and women. In the stronger sex, pronounced chlamydia causes increased sensitivity and burning during urination, symptoms of urethritis, which occurs in 80% of cases. It is possible to have only the presence of a pain syndrome or even completely asymptomatic carriage in about 15% of those infected. Inflammation of the prostate, the so-called prostatitis, which can be accompanied by pain and burning during ejaculation, is not uncommon. The bad news for women is that chlamydia has no characteristic symptoms. However, it causes severe and irreversible changes in all parts of the genital tract, but the upper part is mostly affected. A clinical symptom that is usually present is vaginal discharge – varying degrees of secretion, itching, burning and pain during sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, the complications of chlamydial infection are serious, as they are associated with the eventual inability to conceive naturally. This is most often due to damage to the fallopian tubes, which in turn prevents the free movement of the eggs in the direction of the uterine cavity. NEWS_MORE_BOX Other complications outside the genital tract in men and women can be: conjunctivitis, arthritis, benign pericarditis, pharyngitis and stomatitis. The diagnosis is made after clarifying the complaints and performing laboratory tests that detect chlamydial DNA or antigens in secretions taken from the urethra, cervical canal of the uterus and urine. Timely diagnosis provides an extremely good opportunity for treatment and avoiding severe complications! Of course,after establishing a chlamydial infection, it needs to be treated. Antibiotic preparations from the group of tetracyclines and macrolides are accepted – Doxycycline, Azithromycin or Tetracycline. The duration is usually from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the infection. Important for ensuring the maximum therapeutic effect in sexually transmitted diseases is the simultaneous treatment of all partners! A control study on the effect of the treatment is carried out on the second and fourth week after the last administration of the medication. To avoid having to go through this entire procedure, the easiest thing you can do is use a condom, and use a condom correctly. It’s a little hard sometimes, but it’s worth a try. If you still have complaints, do not hesitate to visit your doctor and talk about your problem freely. Otherwise, have a nice evening!

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