One night stands and the most common infections

One night stands and the most common infections

Bacterial infections in young girls are common especially when it comes to casual sex. They are mostly found in casual acquaintances connected with large companies, partying or drinking alcohol. The incidence of sexually transmitted diseases after casual encounters has increased over the years. The consequences are characteristic. Most often, bacterial vaginitis develops. It is characterized by the development of an infection on the labia and walls of the vagina. The infection is caused after traumatic damage to the vagina and labia. As a result, infectious pathogens penetrate. These are most often bacteria. Pronounced swelling of the labia occurs, which may result in wounding. Severe pains and an uncontrollable feeling of urination and discharge are characteristic. In advanced forms of bacterial vaginitis, there is also limitation in the movement of the limbs, due to painful irritation from stretching and touching the tender area. The treatment of bacterial vaginitis is particularly important and is a priority activity for the attending gynecologist. It must be of relative urgency to protect the woman from harm and possible sterility afterwards. Therapy with local antibiotics is necessary, and in case of more serious involvement or delayed consultation with a doctor – admission to hospital and administration of systemic antibiotics. Strong broad-spectrum preparations are used, most often penicillins and cephalosporins of the second and third generation, which have a pronounced effect against both GRAM-negative and GRAM-positive pathogens. The therapy includes a combined preparation with lactobacilli and antimycotics, which protect against possible dysbacteriosis and the development of fungal infections in the area. Cases in which unpleasant fungal infections develop after casual sexual contact are also not rare. The condition can be accompanied by both uncontrollable pain and very strong itching. In advanced forms, there are also complications that involve the urinary canal, causing painful urination, which in turn is a prerequisite for urinary retention. Treatment of yeast infections, as with bacterial vaginitis, must be quick and precise. The therapy includes medicines from the group of antimycotics, which suppress fungal growth and destroy pathogens harmful to the woman’s body. NEWS_MORE_BOX The condition also requires possible prevention to limit future sexual contacts, as well as to apply local antiseptic solutions after the acute period has passed. The risks of not treating the disease are significant. These include generalized spread of fungal pathogens and involvement of other structures of the human body. Complications with sterility are not rare when neglecting the condition and avoiding timely consultation with a gynecologist and taking antimycotic agents. Among women with promiscuous behavior, there is also a debut in the appearance of a herpes infection.Vaginal herpes is another high-risk disease that requires specific therapy. A combined infection of the vagina and labia from herpes simplex and a yeast infection after casual intercourse is common. Characteristic of this disease is the appearance of specific vesicles filled with liquid, which are very painful and do not allow even touching the labia and the newly appeared pimple. The labia appear swollen, very painful and red. They are sensitive to almost all local preparations for application that have an antiseptic nature. Herpes simplex virus infection can involve both the labia and the walls of the vagina and spread to the anus. Therapy is aggressive and involves a quick and precise diagnosis. Preparations from the group of antiviral drugs are used. Modern studies indicate that preparations with acyclovir or valacyclovir, which is a new generation antiviral preparation, have a particularly fast effect. Specialists in obstetrics and gynecology advise young girls and women to be careful with their sexual partners and narrow the circle of risk factors. They also recommend using all forms of protection during casual sex – special vaginal gels, diaphragms, as well as the safest measure – a condom, which protects against the transmission of almost all types of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy with a certainty of up to 97%.

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