Open meetings for prostate problems

Open meetings for prostate problems

A free informational meeting about prostate problems with a doctor is organized by the Bulgarian Urological Society, the National Association of General Practitioners in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Red Cross this Wednesday, July 18, at 5 p.m. in the Lyulin Cultural Center in the capital. The initiative is part of the National Men’s Health Campaign “Go for a Checkup”, which started in early April 2012 and continues for a year, with events taking place in different cities of the country. The main goal of the initiative is to encourage men over the age of 50 to pay attention to the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and to schedule regular consultations on the matter with their GP or urologist. The campaign explains the benefit of early diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia and its treatment, as well as the risks of delay. Benign hyperplasia is expressed in an increase in the prostate, which begins to press the urethra and creates discomfort during urination. The narrowing of the urethra and residual urine in the bladder lead to other complaints accompanying the disease. Prostate hyperplasia occurs in men over 50-55 years of age. According to statistics, about 3/4 of representatives of the stronger sex at this age suffer from enlargement of this male gland. However, the disease does not always manifest itself with the characteristic symptoms. A large percentage of men tend to ignore its signs and, accordingly, the examination at the general practitioner or specialist-urologist. As part of the campaign, 2 more informational meetings with general practitioners and urologists will be held in Sofia during the summer, with the next one planned for July 25 at 6 p.m. in the People’s Community Center “Nikolay Haitov”. Details of the initiatives can also be obtained on the national freephone line 0800 18 187, which is open every weekday from 9.30am to 11.30am.

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