Papilloma – why are they dangerous?

Papilloma – why are they dangerous?

First part of the material More than 120 types of human papilloma viruses are known. Infection with each species results in different lesions. It has been proven that infection with some types of papilloma viruses leads to tumor processes in the human body in natural conditions, in which there is a high risk of degeneration of the formations into malignant ones. The family of human papillomaviruses includes viruses of low, intermediate and high oncogenic risk. Papilloma viruses with a high oncogenic risk lead to the development of cervical cancer in 80% of cases of infection. It is the second most common cancer in women under the age of 45, after breast cancer. Due to the asymptomatic course of the disease at the beginning and gaps in prevention, cervical cancer is still registered at a late stage. That is why doctors advise women to be examined by a gynecologist twice a year, as well as to carry out the necessary tests as a preventive measure against the disease. Infection with human papillomaviruses is also associated with other oncological diseases. Cancer of the oral cavity and rectum was assumed to be due to their action. Not everyone who carries the human papillomavirus develops cancer. The disease of the body is possible with a strong decrease in immunity and other unfavorable factors. TreatmentIn order to prescribe adequate treatment, as well as to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a number of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies. This includes colposcopy, cytological, histological and immunological studies, DNA diagnostics of the types of papilloma viruses and determination of oncogenic ones if they are present. Depending on the clinical manifestation of infection with papillomaviruses and their localization – on the skin, mucous membrane – the treatment is carried out by a team of highly qualified specialists, which may include: gynecologist, dermatologist, urologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon and immunologist. Human papilloma virus infection with oncogenic potential requires strict treatment appointed by a highly qualified specialist, there is no place for self-medication and other unproven therapies. Various methods are used in the treatment, which combine the administration of immunomodeling preparations and surgical interventions to remove the affected tissues. The treatment is strictly individual according to the case, other existing and past diseases and characteristics of the body. Cervical cancer About 90% of cervical cancer develops from flat “squamous” cells. In the remaining 10% – from glandular, mucus-secreting cells of the cervical canal. Although there are cases in which the conditions of “precancerous” and “dysplasia” pass without treatment, it is necessary to apply therapy to minimize the risks of disease development. There are two main types of cervical cancer: squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.In 90% of cases of cervical cancer, they are carcinoma. Mixed cases are also observed. Cervical cancer does not always metastasize. When such an invasive process is observed, it most often affects the vagina, rectum, bladder, liver and lungs. The main cause of cervical cancer is infection with the human papillomavirus. There are types of papilloma, when infected, the risk of developing a malignant disease is higher. These are HPV16, HPV18, HPV31, HPV33, HPV45, etc. More than half of all cancers are caused by HPV16 and HPV18. Factors predisposing to the development of the disease include smoking, weakened immunity, infections with other sexually transmitted microorganisms such as chlamydia, genital herpes, etc. There is evidence that the intake of diethylstibestrol and contraceptive hormonal agents also influence the process of cancer development. Pain in the small pelvis (in the lower part of the abdomen), pain during sexual intercourse, heavy and prolonged menstruation (metrorrhagia), bleeding between menstrual cycles are considered as specific complaints of cervical cancer. In an advanced stage, general fatigue, weight loss, complaints from other organs are observed as a result of metastasis of the process. The treatment has a higher success rate for precancerous conditions that involve the surface layers of the cervix. The Pap test, known as a pap smear or Papanicolaou test, is used as the main method for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. The method is cheap, fast and painless. With it, cells are taken from the surface of the cervix using a swab. The cells are placed in a specially colored smear on glass, then examined under a microscope. The method detects precancerous and cancerous altered cells, which are described on a special scale – associated with a high or low risk of cancer. In this way, 95% of cases of precancerous and cancerous changes are detected. Deviation from the Pap test requires the conduct of in-depth examinations such as colposcopy and biopsy.that the intake of diethylstibestrol and hormonal contraceptives also influence the process of cancer development. Pain in the small pelvis (in the lower part of the abdomen), pain during sexual intercourse, heavy and prolonged menstruation (metrorrhagia), bleeding between menstrual cycles are considered as specific complaints of cervical cancer. In an advanced stage, general fatigue, weight loss, complaints from other organs are observed as a result of metastasis of the process. The treatment has a higher success rate for precancerous conditions that involve the surface layers of the cervix. The Pap test, known as a pap smear or Papanicolaou test, is used as the main method for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. The method is cheap, fast and painless. With it, cells are taken from the surface of the cervix using a swab. The cells are placed in a specially colored smear on glass, then examined under a microscope. The method detects precancerous and cancerous altered cells, which are described on a special scale – associated with a high or low risk of cancer. In this way, 95% of cases of precancerous and cancerous changes are detected. Deviation from the Pap test requires the conduct of in-depth examinations such as colposcopy and biopsy.that the intake of diethylstibestrol and hormonal contraceptives also influence the process of cancer development. Pain in the small pelvis (in the lower part of the abdomen), pain during sexual intercourse, heavy and prolonged menstruation (metrorrhagia), bleeding between menstrual cycles are considered as specific complaints of cervical cancer. In an advanced stage, general fatigue, weight loss, complaints from other organs are observed as a result of metastasis of the process. The treatment has a higher success rate for precancerous conditions that involve the surface layers of the cervix. The Pap test, known as a pap smear or Papanicolaou test, is used as the main method for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. The method is cheap, fast and painless. With it, cells are taken from the surface of the cervix using a swab. The cells are placed in a specially colored smear on glass, then examined under a microscope. The method detects precancerous and cancerous altered cells, which are described on a special scale – associated with a high or low risk of cancer. In this way, 95% of cases of precancerous and cancerous changes are detected. Deviation from the Pap test requires the conduct of in-depth examinations such as colposcopy and biopsy.

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