Physiology of orgasm

Physiology of orgasm

Orgasm is a special state in which the body falls during sex. The name derives from the Greek orgasmos, meaning exhilaration or sexual climax. The condition is a sudden release of the body generated by stimulation of erogenous zones during a response in a sexual circle. The end result is a rhythmic muscular contraction of the pelvic muscles and muscular organs, accompanied by sexual satisfaction. Orgasm is a state that can be experienced by both men and women. Its manifestation is controlled by the involuntary zone of the nervous system or the autonomic nervous system. Orgasm is also associated with the involuntary muscle spasms that every person experiences sooner or later in life, especially under conditions of severe daily stress, as well as a general euphoric sensation and feeling along with increased contractions throughout the body’s musculature. After orgasm there is a characteristic refractory period, which in women is much shorter than in men. According to statistics, women can have a refractory period from 3 seconds to 30, while in men this period can be between 30 seconds and 20 minutes. The state of refractory recharge of the body and complete rest is associated with a massive release of the neurohormones oxytocin and prolactin, as well as numerous endorphins. Endorphins themselves can be compared to endogenously produced morphine because they lead to pain relief, relaxation, and freeing the mind from problematic thoughts and severe stress. Orgasm in humans usually occurs after sexual stimulation. In men, the glans penis is stimulated, which is accompanied by ejaculation, while in women, the clitoris is stimulated. Not every woman can ejaculate after sex, because in practice the clitoris represents a stunted penis in the embryonic development of the body and the possibility of ejaculate exists. Sexual stimulation to achieve orgasm can also be achieved through masturbation – self-satisfaction or with non-penetrative sex, which is devoid of sexual activity and penetration into the anatomical cavity of the vagina and direct stimulation of the G-spot, and psychological influence over the partner’s consciousness and mild touching the clitoris or penis. The normal physiology of orgasm is based on many processes in the body and the release of active substances and hormones that have a very strong health effect on the body. In a similar way, for example, during orgasm, an effect is achieved to overproduce prolactin, which leads to a state of calmness in the brain through some changes at the level of the central nervous system. In this order, a very serious blockage in the metabolism of the brain is achieved and the thought stops even for a little while. If sex doctors had to explain this sentence to a programmer, they would use the following comparison – an orgasm results in a “reboot of the computer system”.The restart of this system is achieved through direct hormonal influence in the body and temporary suspension of processes in the cerebral cortex and limbic system. Of course, there are some conditions that prevent a person from experiencing the pleasure of orgasm. Such are, for example, anorgasmia, in which a woman or a man practically cannot experience an orgasm. They get strong arousal, they like intercourse, touch, feeling, penetration, but they can’t have an orgasm, because of a malfunction in the wiring to the spinal cord and from the spinal nuclei to the central nervous system, or damage at a local level in the vagina or penis itself. This to some extent creates discomfort in relationships and creates a bad feeling of insecurity in one of the partners. There are also some other disorders, such as the complete lack of sensation during penetrative sex in the vagina. Also, some men may experience sexual arousal but never have an orgasm, and some men may ejaculate but not have an orgasm. NEWS_MORE_BOX For some time now, the topic of “rapid orgasm” in many men, which leads to rapid ejaculation and a long refractory period for recovery, has been of interest to many specialists in sexual medicine. According to studies conducted worldwide, it is completely normal for men up to the age of 30 to have an orgasm faster. Firstly, because they are more excited, more excited and to some extent more stressed than those over the age of 30, secondly because it is believed that the lack of sufficient sexual experience leads to a greater sensitivity in the area of ​​the glans of the penis, which is a prerequisite for obtaining a quick orgasm and quick ejaculation. In this aspect, although they deny it, scientists apply what they have learned about tantric sex, where men study their bodies so well that they can control their orgasm. Although scientists do not promote it, and on the contrary, on the contrary, consider it harmful, many studies show that this type of sex teaches a person great self-control over his body and skills to subordinate his body to his thoughts, instead of the other way around. The disputing facts from other scientists come from the fact that a person experiences an orgasm again, but it is much heavier, with much more sensation, muscle contractions and ejaculate, which leads in addition to a higher release of antibodies in the body and stimulation of the immune system, and to higher self-esteem and self-confidence, which in a psychological aspect is particularly important for the general health of the body. According to sexual medicine specialists, during tantric sex, men put their bodies under extreme control and hold their sexual intercourse at the level of a pre-orgasmic state. According to scientists and many men studied during sex, this leads to twice as much euphoria and passion in sexual intercourse between both partners. According to proponents of the tantric sex theory,in these conditions, the men’s penis is filled with blood much more, it matters for the size, endurance and intensity of the sexual act, which in turn is accompanied by a much more serious release of neurohormones than in a normally applied sexual act.

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