Plastic surgery of the vagina renews sex life

Plastic surgery of the vagina renews sex life

Vaginoplasty is gaining more and more popularity among women around and over the age of 25. Those who underwent the aesthetic procedure say that sex is much better after the operation and they have significantly regained their self-confidence. Vaginoplasty is a reconstructive aesthetic procedure for the correction of defects and deformations of intimate female organs. Most often, the procedure is applied in order to reduce the size of the skin folds around the intimate parts. It is also used to narrow the vaginal canal or to reconstruct vaginal structures that may be missing or deformed as a result of congenital disease, such as vaginal atresia, or childbirth. The procedure is also known as “vaginal rejuvenation”. The name comes from the fact that many more benefit from the procedure, not women with a birth defect or a given intimate problem, but with the aim of improving the vision and narrowing the vaginal canal, which contributes to improving sex life and a more pleasant feeling during intercourse. NEWS_MORE_BOX In general, the procedure is performed by removing excess and stretched vaginal tissue and stretching and tightening the soft tissues in the area. The recovery process after surgery is strictly individual. In most cases, sexual intercourse can take place about a week after the procedure, but the sensation may still be a little painful, experts explain. Nowadays, vaginoplasty is also used by people who wish to change their gender.

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