Porn causes headaches

Porn causes headaches

Frequent viewing of porn films may increase the occurrence of headaches in the male half of the population. The headache develops gradually, starting within the first 5 minutes of watching the film. At 8-10 minutes, the headache becomes stronger, experts explain. The reason is partly due to the increased level of hormones and the activity of blood vessels in the head area due to the high arousal, similar to an orgasm headache. In combination with watching TV, the headache becomes even stronger, according to experts. The heightened emotional state of watching pornographic films can cause pain in the nerves of the face and jaw. The appearance of a headache during sex or watching porn can occur in every person at least once in his life, but this is not a cause for concern, scientists explain. A large percentage of people in whom this type of headache occurs relatively often also suffer from migraines. Data from the specialists’ findings are published in the online edition of Archives of Sexual Behavior. Previous research has shown that masturbation can also trigger headaches. It is estimated that men are 3 times more affected by the problem than women.

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