Porn sites lead to promiscuous sex among teenagers

Porn sites lead to promiscuous sex among teenagers

Watching pornographic films, clips and pictures increases risky sexual behavior among adolescents, a new study suggests. Specialists are of the opinion that in this way moral values ​​are reduced and indiscriminate sexual intercourse without protection is increased. Responding anonymously to a survey on the Internet, young people who visit porn sites are much more likely to have multiple sexual contacts with more than one partner and to overdo the use of alcohol or drugs, experts explain. All of these factors are associated with an increased risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy, they added. The survey stated that 28% of teenagers between the ages of 9-16 had viewed online sites with pornographic content at least once. The research team calls for more limited access to sites with similar themes, in order to reduce the desecration of the moral values ​​of society, especially in the teenage years. Emphasis should be placed on sex education and open discussions with parents and psychologists on issues of concern to young people of this age, experts are adamant. The study data is published in The Medical Journal of Australia.

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