Pubic lice – transmitted sexually and through towels

Pubic lice – transmitted sexually and through towels

1. What are pubic lice? Pubic lice are an extremely common sexually transmitted infection. It is caused by an external parasite called Phthirus pubis. They are found in richly hairy areas of the body, such as the genitals. In addition, pubic lice can also be found in the eyelashes. They are transmitted only during sexual intercourse, and it is characteristic of them that they feed only thanks to their sucking methods with blood from their carrier. The infection first affected humanity 3.3 million years ago. Characteristically, they inhabit only the human race, but they can also be found among the apes. 2. What are the symptoms of pubic lice infection? The most important symptom of this type of infection is intense and highly irritating itching in the private parts. With good enough vision and a focused search, one can easily see the many small brownish insects that inhabit the hairy part of the genitals. You can also see their eggs, which have the shape of oval bodies with a white color. They are usually reinforced at the base of the hair. 3. How are they intercepted? Pubic lice are contracted during sexual contact with an infected partner. These small creatures of nature have a characteristic structure of their musculoskeletal system. Six legs and a sucking proboscis are seen, with which they drink blood from human skin by lightly biting. The bite causes intense redness, which is accompanied by strong and unbearable itching. Pubic lice can also get into the hairy area around the anus. Also, they can be found in men in the richly hairy areas on the chest and arms, and in women – in the eyelashes and eyebrows. NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. How else can this type of infection be acquired? Characteristic of pubic lice is that they can survive for some time on towels, bedding and sheets. This is one of the main reasons why you should not share a common towel between several people. Another way to catch pubic lice is in the fitting rooms of public stores, where underwear, shorts or leggings are often tried on. 5. How common is pubic lice infection? Worldwide, pubic lice infection occurs in between 2% and 10% of people. According to the surveyed private doctors, there is currently no clear enough data to confirm that there is a drastic number of pubic lice sufferers in the regions of Bulgaria. 6. What treatment is given? Infection with pubic lice has a clinical picture that is also characteristic of other sexually transmitted diseases with pronounced erythema and itching in the genital areas. This requires a mandatory consultation with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, urology or dermatovenerology. The most commonly used treatment for pubic lice is 5% permethrin cream or liquid malathion. Often, doctors prescribe additional baths with antiseptic solutions – for example, a solution of potassium permanganate, which has a burning effect. Eventually, the insects and their eggs are destroyed.

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