Pumpkin against enlarged prostate and better sex in men

Pumpkin against enlarged prostate and better sex in men

Pumpkin is part of the family of so-called fruit vegetables. It is known as a useful and dietary food product. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E, as well as calcium, zinc, magnesium and fiber. The pumpkin contains zinc salts, which are particularly useful for male potency. It is recommended for women because of the content of vitamin E, which, in addition to taking care of the proper functioning of the reproductive system, also helps to preserve youth and beauty for a longer time. Due to its low calorie content, about 17 calories per 100 g, pumpkin is considered a dietary product. It is useful for kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene. Research shows that people who consume food rich in beta-carotene are less likely to develop certain types of cancer. Pumpkin seeds contain essential amino acids important for the body, relieving the main symptoms of adenoma or inflammation of the prostate – frequent urination , pain and others. According to studies, the protective compounds contained in the seeds called phytosterols can help reduce the size of the prostate. In addition, the seeds contain substances that can prevent the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone – high levels of dihydrotestosterone are typical in an enlarged prostate. As a preventive measure against inflammation and prostate adenoma, experts recommend consuming peeled pumpkin seeds 3 times a week. Pumpkin seeds contain valuable proteins, vitamins and minerals – iron, zinc, copper and phosphorus. 100 g of pumpkin seeds contains 46.1% of the daily magnesium requirement for the body. The property of pumpkin seeds to expulse worms is also popular. The consumption of pumpkin juice is recommended for impaired metabolism, diabetes mellitus, stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. It is believed that the fresh drink also contributes to a good sexual tone in men.

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