Relax for better sex

Relax for better sex

Sex is a combination of physical and emotional experience. When we are emotionally out of shape, we are often not satisfied. Anxiety, stress and depression are the main culprits of the inferior experience. According to experts, women are much more likely to let themselves be affected by these emotions, but the problem can also affect some of the stronger sex. To overcome tension and stress, some relaxation techniques can be applied to help with satisfaction during sex. Leave worry and problems out of the bedroom. No matter how much you think about them, they will not resolve themselves. Relax and enjoy the moment. To reduce stress, you can start practicing yoga, meditation and other relaxation techniques. It is recommended before the partner comes home. In this way, you relax and set yourself up positively for the meeting with your partner. NEWS_MORE_BOX In the absence of time to practice such relaxing activities, you can safely replace them with a relaxing bath, listening to pleasant music or simply lying in the room lit by scented candles. Don’t neglect foreplay. Before the essential part of intercourse begins, give yourself plenty of caresses and hugs. Touch and contact with your partner increases the release of the hormone oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone. In this way, the level of stress is reduced and arousal is increased. Reduce factors that can worsen tension and stress such as television, phones and others. In case of prolonged reluctance for sexual contact and lack of pleasure, despite avoiding stressors, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

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