Serotonin also affects sexual orientation?!

Serotonin also affects sexual orientation?!

Serotonin is probably also to blame for the emergence of bisexuality or high sexual arousal, Chinese scientists who have studied the role of the transmitter on sexual behavior are still hesitant. Serotonin, or as it is known, the “pleasure substance”, is synthesized in the brain. Some of the medications prescribed for depression and mental disorders affect serotonin levels, and people who take them often have a lower libido. Unlike humans, mice are extremely sensitive to serotonin levels. In their observations, researchers from Beijing’s National Institute of Biological Sciences noted that high levels of serotonin lead to problems with erection and ejaculation, and vice versa, when they are lower, they return to being hyperactive on the mat of sexual play. Scientists conduct research against the indicators of the “pleasure substance”. They managed to create a generation that lacked the gene responsible for the synthesis of serotonin. The experts found that mice with low serotonin levels, placed in the same cage regardless of gender, were the most active in the program. In them, sexual activity is observed for about 80% of the time spent in the cage. In comparison, normal males, with normal serotonin levels, demonstrate particularly fearful behavior towards females and their sexual activity takes up only 20-30% of their time. There are other facts that support the results of the experiment. Serotonin-deficient mice smell love equally well in both male and female individuals and seek copulation…It’s not entirely clear whether scientists have found a way to “make” the mice bisexual or strongly excited, and in connection with the question whether the method could be used on humans, there is no light at all. The research was published in the Journal Nature.

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