Several factors for prostate problems

Several factors for prostate problems

As men age, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases. The more advanced the years, the greater the risk. The critical period from which cases of the disease are counted is the age of 50. Prostate cancer is more common among elderly men over 65. Some research results show that 80% of men over 80 have some problem with the prostate gland. These are rare in men under 45, but they begin to develop after the age of 40. However, age is not the cause of prostate cancer and enlargement in men. It is only one of the factors. The actual cause is still believed to be unknown. Otherwise, other factors for prostate cancer are: genetic, lifestyle, medication… 1. Genetic factors, heredity… Examining a number of studies gives strong reasons to consider that prostate cancer is a genetically determined disease . For example, it is much more common in the Negroid than in the Caucasian and Mongoloid races. The risk of developing the disease is twice as high if a brother or father suffers from it, and is generally increased if it has been present in the family. Medical science has discovered that carriers of two specific genes, BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 – the same ones that are also implicated in the development of breast and ovarian cancer in women – are at increased risk of developing prostate cancer. In new scientific research, it is also found that certain sections of some chromosomes – in 3,6,7,10,11,19 and X – have a connection with the establishment of the disease in the body. 2. Lifestyle, diet… Sedentary lifestyle gives rise to many different diseases, including prostate problems and cancer of this gland. And here, the diet is essential for unlocking or not the disease. For example, the diet characteristic of the population of the Mediterranean region is known to have benefits in the prevention of prostate cancer. This diet emphasizes a diet rich in vegetables and seafood, the use of olive oil in cooking, and the consumption of lots of fruit instead of meat. For the same reason, probably prostate problems and especially cancer cases are rarest in Japan, where the population exclusively consumes seafood delicacies. The most useful vegetables in this regard are broccoli and cauliflower, as well as all of the cruciferous family – cabbage, Brussels sprouts, radishes, turnips, turnips, etc. According to some studies, soy, selenium, vitamin E, green tea also have a benefit for the primary prevention of the disease, but they do not play such a role in already existing neoplasias. Others collect negative data about the rich in red meat, fat (especially saturated and trans), dairy products, menu and lack of vitamin D. The consumption of fat, as well as its presence in the body – obesity, carries an increased risk of prostate cancer, which has been documented in dozens of medical studies.And what’s more, fat cells secrete a special hormone – leptin, which regulates appetite and metabolism. Its higher levels are the cause of a number of health problems, including prostate cancer. Such dangerous, elevated levels of the hormone are found in obese men. In terms of physical activity, regular moderate sports activities, stretching exercises, yoga, meditation help in the fight against prostate problems. 3. High testosterone, alcohol, cigarettes… On the other hand, high levels of another hormone – testosterone – also give indications of the danger of the disease. These generally do not occur in men with excess weight and excessive presence of adipose tissue, on the contrary. This is also one of the reasons why testosterone therapy should not be used in older men, even though there is evidence that its use has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and strength, including the heart in them. As we age, the amount of testosterone synthesized by the body decreases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Except when it comes to pathology, more testosterone, according to research data, is released from the body with excessive alcohol consumption, which requires a man to have “one thing on his mind”. Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In principle, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, poses problems to the prostate in not a small number of workers.including prostate cancer. Such dangerous, elevated levels of the hormone are found in obese men. In terms of physical activity, regular moderate sports activities, stretching exercises, yoga, meditation help in the fight against prostate problems. 3. High testosterone, alcohol, cigarettes… On the other hand, high levels of another hormone – testosterone – also give indications of the danger of the disease. These generally do not occur in men with excess weight and excessive presence of adipose tissue, on the contrary. This is also one of the reasons why testosterone therapy should not be used in older men, even though there is evidence that its use has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and strength, including the heart in them. As we age, the amount of testosterone synthesized by the body decreases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Except when it comes to pathology, more testosterone, according to research data, is released from the body with excessive alcohol consumption, which requires a man to have “one thing on his mind”. Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In general, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, poses problems to the prostate in not a small number of workers.including prostate cancer. Such dangerous, elevated levels of the hormone are found in obese men. In terms of physical activity, regular moderate sports activities, stretching exercises, yoga, meditation help in the fight against prostate problems. 3. High testosterone, alcohol, cigarettes… On the other hand, high levels of another hormone – testosterone – also give indications of the danger of the disease. These generally do not occur in men with excess weight and excessive presence of adipose tissue, on the contrary. This is also one of the reasons why testosterone therapy should not be used in older men, even though there is evidence that its use has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and strength, including the heart in them. As we age, the amount of testosterone synthesized by the body decreases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Except when it comes to pathology, more testosterone, according to research data, is released from the body with excessive alcohol consumption, which requires a man to have “one thing on his mind”. Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in men than in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In principle, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, puts prostate problems in a significant number of workers.On the other hand, high levels of another hormone – testosterone – also give indications of the danger of the disease. These generally do not occur in men with excess weight and excessive presence of adipose tissue, on the contrary. This is also one of the reasons why testosterone therapy should not be used in older men, even though there is evidence that its use has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and strength, including the heart in them. As we age, the amount of testosterone synthesized by the body decreases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Except when it comes to pathology, more testosterone, according to research data, is released from the body with excessive alcohol consumption, which requires a man to have “one thing on his mind”. Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in men than in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In principle, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, puts prostate problems in a significant number of workers.On the other hand, high levels of another hormone – testosterone – also give indications of the danger of the disease. These generally do not occur in men with excess weight and excessive presence of adipose tissue, on the contrary. This is also one of the reasons why testosterone therapy should not be used in older men, even though there is evidence that its use has a beneficial effect on muscle mass and strength, including the heart in them. As we age, the amount of testosterone synthesized by the body decreases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Except when it comes to pathology, more testosterone, according to research data, is released from the body with excessive alcohol consumption, which requires a man to have “one thing on his mind”. Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In principle, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, poses problems to the prostate in not a small number of workers.Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in men than in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In principle, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, puts prostate problems in a significant number of workers.Smoking is also a risk factor for fast-growing tumors and other prostate problems, which are much more common in men than in non-smokers. 4. Sexually transmitted diseases… According to a study by the University of Michigan in the USA, gonorrhea in men significantly increases the risk of prostate cancer later in life. Soon, a team of researchers from the University of Washington discovered the mechanism by which trichomonas infection contributes to the cancerous degeneration of gland cells. In general, safe sex not only protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, it also protects against the long-term damage they can do to the body. 5. Medications, supplements, cadmium… The use of certain medications is also associated with the development of prostate cancer. Such are anti-inflammatory drugs, statins. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Wisconsin discovered that excessive calcium in the blood is a risk factor for tumorous degeneration of prostate tissue. The necessary amount of calcium for healthy bones and teeth varies between a gram – a gram and a half daily. Because of the newly discovered risk, many Americans now avoid taking more than 1 g of calcium. However, according to statistics, the incidence of prostate cancer is still high. Prostate cancer is more common in some occupations with cadmium exposure. The production of batteries, tires and rubber, the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals, puts prostate problems in a significant number of workers.the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals have caused prostate problems in not a small number of workers.the use of oxygen and exposure to heavy metals have caused prostate problems in not a small number of workers.

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