Sex and nutrition – which foods support sex life?

Sex and nutrition – which foods support sex life?

For centuries, people have searched for the secret to great sex, trying everything from aphrodisiacs to essential oils. Then came Viagra. But recent research reveals that about 30% of the effectiveness of male arousal enhancers and 50% of female sexuality enhancing drugs is due to autosuggestion. It’s not just the substances themselves, but the brain activity they trigger that improves sex life.

Now, there’s growing talk about how what we eat affects our sexual health, much like other aspects of our well-being. Certain foods can enhance sexuality and make intimacy even more satisfying. Here’s a rundown:

  1. Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids: Think various types of fish. These foods boost nervous system function, including the pleasure center.
  2. Foods rich in L-arginine: Found in green vegetables, peanuts, walnuts, root vegetables, oatmeal, and garlic, L-arginine improves circulation, thus aiding erectile function. Research suggests it can significantly enhance sexual performance in men, with ongoing studies exploring its impact on women’s arousal.
  3. Soy: This food improves vaginal moisture by affecting estrogen receptors, and it can alleviate symptoms of menopause like hot flashes.
  4. Weight Loss Foods: Obesity is a known risk factor for erectile dysfunction and lower testosterone levels. Foods that aid weight loss can improve sex life. However, excessive protein intake has been linked to reduced life expectancy. A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins is recommended.
  5. Heart-Healthy Foods: What’s good for the heart is good for the penis. Foods that clog arteries, like fatty products, hinder blood flow to the genital area, affecting both erection and sexual pleasure.
  6. Fats in moderation: Fats are essential for sex hormone production. Testosterone and estrogens are derived from cholesterol. Opt for cholesterol sources like olive oil, nuts, and salmon, which don’t burden blood vessels.

American nutritionist M. Walker advises a diet that meets energy needs while being low in fat and high in fiber. He also emphasizes the importance of presentation and environment before sex, which can set the stage for positive experiences.

So, whether it’s choosing the right foods or setting the mood, taking care of your body and mind can enhance your sexual energy and overall well-being.

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