Sex education reduces risky behavior

Sex education reduces risky behavior

Banning sex education classes in schools may increase risky behavior among adolescents. According to some teachers, sex education is not a subject of school activities and should not be allowed in the curriculum. But experts advise that emphasis should be placed on sex education and explaining the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. This will lead to greater awareness of sexual desire and young people will be aware of the potential risks of inattention and indiscriminate sexual contact. Nowadays, the age of initiation of sexual life has shortened significantly. More and more young people start having sex at the age of 14. This necessitates earlier education in this direction, specialists are categorical. The heavy task falls not only on the parents, but also on the education system, as the youth spend most of their day in school. Awareness among young people aims to avoid numerous abortions already at the beginning of puberty, as well as the transmission of various diseases through sexual contact. Such an event can leave a lasting psychological trauma in life, experts explain. The inclusion of sexual health classes in the curriculum is extremely important for the further life and conscious path of the teenager, they are categorical.

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