Sex with a partner or Internet porn – does he want a question?

Sex with a partner or Internet porn – does he want a question?

Sex with a real partner is still among the most pleasurable experiences life has to offer. And it is very likely that this will continue to be the case, regardless of all the appeals that psychologists and sexologists make, signaling that the real sex life of young people is limping because of virtual erotica and countless opportunities for masturbation. An examination of such appeals will show that they simultaneously communicate an indisputable truth, introduce a slightly flawed theory, and offer a very clear inaccuracy. First, young people today really form their idea of ​​sex mainly on the basis of erotic films, and that’s bad. Second, the data on a serious boom in the cases of erectile dysfunction and low libido among young people are greatly exaggerated. And third, there is definitely no epidemic of young people preferring internet porn to sex with a real partner. The truth is, sexually, young people today want exactly what young people have wanted since the creation of mankind – a real soul mate to hug, kiss and share the bed with. Of course, there will always be more shy and still insecure youths who will hide their real desires behind claims of being overwhelmed by the whims of the opposite sex and so on. Such cases have always existed, and in no way can it be claimed that there are more of them today than they were in the past. Loudest from the mouths of those who blaspheme the sexual preferences of modern youth are the claims that the age of men with erectile dysfunction is dropping sharply. Since the time of Shakespeare, it has been known that men under the age of 30 also experience periods of unsatisfactory erection quality. The difference today comes from the fact that when such complaints first appear, young people join Internet discussions, Facebook groups and other formations, giving publicity to the problem and creating the impression that their number is very large. According to data from sexologists with long experience, the number of young men with erectile dysfunction has also not grown significantly in the last 30 years. The basis of the created opposite impression is only the possibility that the problem will be discussed much more often through the new technologies. NEWS_MORE_BOX The theory that access to erotic films on the Internet is already visibly ruining young people’s sex lives is murky. Simply because the truth of such a claim cannot be proven as long as there is a basis for comparison and as long as sexual contacts with a real partner are still an option. Because sex is not only about sexual stimulation. That’s why even the most perfect hand doesn’t stand a chance against even the most mediocre penis or vagina. And if sometimes someone ignores this truth, it is not because they are not convinced of its truth. This explains the existence of hundreds of millions of users of virtual sex in the world, whose sex life is completely normal and who would always admit their imperfections in front of sex with a partner.If in certain cases a person lacks the opportunity to communicate with his partner on a suprasexual level, this should not be considered a disability due to virtual sex. Because in most cases, when a dispute arises between two sexual partners about the alleged excess of one of them with virtual erotica, the reason for the dispute is actually much deeper and lies somewhere in the unhealed foundations of their partnership.

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