Sexual addiction – myth or reality?

Sexual addiction – myth or reality?

Most people have probably heard of the condition “sex addict”. However, did you know that the scientific community is debating whether it is an actual violation or whether it even refers to sex? Roy Reed, a psychologist researcher, explains that in these cases the cause is not sex, just as in eating disorders it is not food or gambling is not about money. In this sense, sex addicts are not just people who crave a lot of sex. Rather, they suffer from more substantial problems such as stress, feelings of anxiety, depression, shame. Any of these disorders can cause risky sexual behavior. What is sex addiction? Many specialists prefer to use the term “hypersexual disorder”. It is characterized by obsessive sexual thoughts and actions and often harms both the sufferers themselves and their families. As an example, experts point to men who spend half of their monthly income on female companions. Such behavior significantly endangers their personal, social and professional life, and the threat of infection with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases endangers their health. They are obsessed with the thought of sex, it does not leave them – this can lead to a feeling of loneliness and isolation, intense pain and shame appear. Very often, reaching a crisis “convinces” addicts to seek help, experts explain. They are caught by their partner or fired from their jobs or detained for having sex with a prostitute. For some people, such crises bring relief from the stress of their behavior and the constant fear of being found out. Addiction or not… ? No scale yet exists to measure how many people are affected by the breach. Some studies in the field claim that it is relatively more common among men, and more specifically, among homosexual men. Its causes also remain unclear, as does its similarity to other addictions. Scientists don’t know if the brains of people with hypersexual disorder work the same way as those with substance addictions or pathological gambling. The behavior of those affected may be similar to that of those suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is likely to be linked to abnormal levels of dopamine or serotonin in the brain. Problems related to attention, impulse control and emotion regulation can also affect – models and theories are many… NEWS_MORE_BOX Treatment of hypersexual disorder There is not much research devoted to effective methods of combating the condition. Experts advise addicts to face the thoughts that drive them to risky behavior, to challenge themselves. If the thought “says” that the desire for sex cannot be controlled, let’s oppose it. The patient should try to look more realistically, after all – nothing will happen,if he doesn’t get the sex he wants. Support and understanding from others affected is also very important in these cases, so it is recommended to seek contact. In some cases, medications prescribed for obsessive-compulsive disorder or impulse control disorders can be used to curb addicts’ “craving” for sex.

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