Sexually transmitted infections occur without symptoms (Part II)

Sexually transmitted infections occur without symptoms (Part II)

First part of the material Trichomonas Simple microorganisms can also lead to infection of the genitals. Trichomoniasis is often the cause of vaginal trichomoniasis. Trichomonas are simple unicellular microorganisms that feed by ingesting cells and bacteria. Here we must also look for the reason why trichomoniasis is combined with a long course of gonorrheal disease. Regardless of being ingested, gonococci have the ability to survive and live in the trichomonas. Incompletely cured trichomoniasis leads to long-lasting inflammatory disease of the female genital organs and infertility. Prolonged trichomoniasis tends to lead to additional bacterial infections of the urogenital tract. Viral sexually transmitted infections Viral infections transmitted sexually include genital herpes, papillomatosis, HIV, etc. It is possible that sexually transmitted viruses once entered the body are in a latent state for a long time before the disease develops. When the body’s defenses decline, viruses are actively destroyed, which leads to the appearance of the disease and additional exhaustion of immunity. That is why these diseases go on for a long time, with frequent relapses. Due to decreased immunity, the body usually becomes susceptible to bacterial infections. For example, people suffering from genital herpes have weak defenses, and relapses are usually accompanied by other bacterial infections – staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Precautions or Cure?!Precautions include a huge range of care from childhood. It is important to eat healthy and raise the child, which will build a strong immune system, as well as growing up in a suitable environment, isolated from frequent encounters with infectious agents. Precautions are known, including the limitation of sexual life with one partner and the use of condoms, as the single most reliable means against infection with pathological microorganisms transmitted sexually. It is important to visit a doctor for an examination at the first symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection. and establishing the causes of the complaints. Conducting a laboratory test to determine the causative agent of a genital tract infection is mandatory.

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