Summer predisposes to urinary tract infections. How to protect ourselves?

Summer predisposes to urinary tract infections. How to protect ourselves?

Women, much more than men, are subject to urinary tract infections. This is due to the anatomical features of their urinary tract. In the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urinary canal (urethra) included in it, the length of the latter in women is shorter, which predisposes the easier entry of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms to the bladder. For the most part, urinary tract infections are bladder infections – cystitis. Cystitis is not considered a serious disease and is easily treated as long as treatment is started at its early symptoms. The complications of cystitis are dangerous, namely the transmission of the infection to the kidneys, which can lead to their serious damage. Pregnant women, menopausal women, adults over 65, people with diabetes are primarily prone to urinary tract infections. A higher frequency of urinary tract infections is observed in the presence of kidney stones and men with an enlarged prostate gland. In some women, cystitis is recurrent, the exact reasons for which are still unclear. Otherwise, urinary tract infections are reported more in winter, because of colds, but their peak is also observed in summer and early autumn. Factors for this are high temperatures and the usual time for annual leave and recreation, which sometimes combines unfavorable circumstances and the opportunity to maintain good personal hygiene, contact with many microorganisms, such as the water in natural or artificial water bodies, the conditions for colds and the test of the local immunity when immersing the heated body in ten-fifteen degrees cooler water. Last but not least, summer is a time of more active sex life, sometimes changing partners, which further contributes to the encounter with pathogenic microorganisms and challenges to immunity. The entry of non-specific microorganisms into the urinary tract occurs mainly in two ways: the transfer of normally inhabiting intestinal microorganisms through the excrement from the anus to the urethra, and their passage to the urethra after infection during sexual contact from the vagina in women. Practices such as anal sex carry the risk of urinary tract infections in both women and men if the necessary protection is neglected. One of the first signs of a urinary tract infection is burning when urinating. Frequent urges to urinate are also described, but with the release of a small amount of urine. Heaviness and weakness are felt in the area of ​​the bladder. In case of infection, the color of urine changes. An indicator of the unfavorable change is its unpleasant, atypical smell. NEWS_MORE_BOX With the signs listed, the condition should be treated to prevent the infection from being carried further up the excretory system. Symptoms of complication of the infection are pain in the area of ​​the kidneys, on one or both sides under the ribs, the presence of temperature, fever, nausea and vomiting. The elderly, pregnant women,people with diabetes and impaired immunity, kidney problems, should seek a specialist immediately upon establishing some of the first signs of a urinary tract infection, as they lead to unpleasant complications more quickly. The infection of the urinary tract is established easily and quickly – through a urine test. The treatment is with antibiotics, which should not be stopped at the first signs of improvement, but should be followed until the end of the prescribed period in the scheme and doses indicated by the doctor. A recommendation to avoid urinary tract infections and make them easier to cure is to take as much and more frequent fluids as possible, avoiding retention of the urge to urinate. Advice for women to avoid infection is, in addition to going to the toilet as soon as possible after a visit for a large need, especially in summer, and to urinate immediately after sex. Postmenopausal women may benefit from the use of a vaginal preparation with estrogen. The choice of detergents is also not without importance. The application of aggressive detergents for washing the delicate skin of the female genitals leads to drying of the mucous membrane and destruction of local immunity, which predisposes to easier infection. Shower gels also harm the acidity of the vaginal flora. Suitable for maintaining personal hygiene are intimate products specially developed for women, which at the same time help to remove harmful microorganisms and secretions, maintain the natural acidity of the vagina and create the desired feeling of cleanliness and comfort.which simultaneously help to remove harmful microorganisms and secretions, maintain the natural acidity of the vagina and create the desired feeling of cleanliness and comfort.which simultaneously help to remove harmful microorganisms and secretions, maintain the natural acidity of the vagina and create the desired feeling of cleanliness and comfort.

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