Symptoms that women should not ignore

Symptoms that women should not ignore

Sometimes we mistake the symptoms of serious illnesses for a common cold, overtiredness or reduced immunity. It happens that we are wrong and the signs instead of premenstrual syndrome turn out to be completely different. Here are the ones you should pay attention to and seek a doctor’s consultation: 1. Frequent urges to urinate are generally alarming symptoms and do not indicate excessive fluid intake or a cold. In addition to problems with the urinary tract, kidneys and bladder, frequent urination can indicate the presence of hormonal problems or the vaginal microflora. If frequent urination is accompanied by pronounced thirst, then this may be a sign of diabetes. How many times is it normal to visit the toilet for a small need? Four to 10 times during the day with normal fluid intake. If it’s more, you’d better see a doctor. 2. Unexplained weight loss. Usually, especially women, we are happy when we lose a kilo or two. But when clothing becomes baggy without really changing our regimen and habits, we need to keep one thing in mind. Loss of body weight is among the signs of some diseases, usually related to the endocrine glands such as the thyroid gland (its hyperfunction), type 2 diabetes, as well as Crohn’s disease and cancer. Pay attention to your doctor if you have lost 5 kilograms in the last half a year without making this change. 3. Hair growth in atypical places. Excess hair or hirsutism is an indicator of increased values ​​of male sex hormones – hyperandrogenism. The problem is not only aesthetic. Increased hair can be a sign of a pathological process in the body, related to the metabolism, a disease of the uterine mucosa and can indicate a risk of developing breast cancer. What hair to worry about: heavy hair above the upper lip, under the chin, between and on the chest, on the midline above the belly button and on the abdomen between the chest and the horizontal line of the belly button, hair that jumps over the pubic area, growing towards the belly button, abundant hair on the arm between the elbow and the shoulder, on the thighs, back, above and on the buttocks (it is not about the presence of 2-3 hairs, but about the appearance of abundant hair, male type and more). NEWS_MORE_BOX 4. Uterine bleeding after menopause is always an indicator that something wrong is happening in the body. These normally occur during hormone replacement therapy, in other cases the bleeding may be due to cervicitis – inflammation of the cervical canal, myoma, polyps and other dangerous pathological processes. 5. Abnormal breast changes. We should not be negligent about the health of our breasts and it is advisable to perform a self-examination every month. Careful palpation of the breast from the nipples in a spiral to the armpits allows palpation of atypical formations. Any changes in the color, nipples, shape of the breasts, unnatural wrinkling of the skin should lead to a consultation with a mammologist. 6. Actually,every woman learns after crossing the threshold of sex life that changes in vaginal discharge are worrying. It is not about the natural changes in its qualities due to the course of the menstrual cycle, but about those that are accompanied by discomfort – a change in color, the presence of an odor, itching, redness of the skin. The bad smell and the yellowish, greenish or grayish shade of the discharge requires a visit to the gynecologist’s office and examination. The same applies to bleeding outside of menstruation. 7. Heavy menstruation – in some women, heavy, painful menstruation is hereditary or anatomically determined. Sometimes it is due to conditioning, vigorous sports, but when the process is pathological, it may be due to inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid gland problem. It is difficult to determine the origin of the problem, but every woman should be aware of the following: It is normal that menstruation does not last more than 7 days. The period from the first day to the first day of menstruation should be between 21-35 days, and it is approximate each time. The discharge of bright red blood is a worrying indicator. In these cases, do not waste time and talk to your gynecologist.

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