Testosterone gel increases libido in men

Testosterone gel increases libido in men

Hey there, fellas! Got a case of the low T blues? Well, good news! Researchers have come up with a new testosterone therapy that might just put the pep back in your step.

So, here’s the deal: as guys get older, our testosterone levels can take a nosedive. And you know what that means – less energy, decreased libido, the works. But this new therapy isn’t just for the older crowd. Even younger guys who have low testosterone due to medication can benefit from it.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. In a study involving 470 men over 65 with low testosterone and low sex drive, half of them used a testosterone gel for a year, while the other half used a placebo. And guess what? The results were pretty impressive.

Those who used the gel saw their testosterone levels shoot up from 234 ng/dL to a normal range for younger guys – around 500 ng/dL. Meanwhile, the placebo group saw no change.

But here’s the really interesting part: the guys using the gel reported having more sex dreams, more orgasms, more intercourse, and even more erections at night. Talk about a boost!

And it doesn’t stop there. These guys were also more into flirting, ejaculation, and yes, even masturbation. The experts couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made some men respond better to the treatment than others, but hey, the results speak for themselves.

This groundbreaking study was published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, so you know it’s legit. So, if you’re feeling like your mojo could use a little pick-me-up, maybe it’s time to give testosterone therapy a shot. Who knows, it might just change your life.

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