The issues of sex and adolescents…

The issues of sex and adolescents…

Hey there! Let’s talk about that awkward chat parents have with their kids about sex. It’s super important and shouldn’t be brushed under the rug. Here’s the lowdown:

Is sex good or bad? Well, it’s actually pretty great for your health! It boosts your immune system, helps you de-stress, can help with weight loss, and even lowers the risk of serious stuff like prostate cancer and heart disease. But there’s a catch. Sex with multiple partners, one-night stands, or without protection can lead to some serious health issues like STDs or an increased risk of HIV.

Now, what about masturbation? It’s basically getting yourself off for pleasure. Is it dangerous? Nope, not at all! As long as you don’t go overboard, it’s totally safe. It’s actually one of the easiest ways to enjoy yourself sexually. Plus, it helps you understand your own body better and can even help with premature ejaculation in guys. But if you find it’s interfering with your work or studies, it might be time to dial it back a bit.

And puberty? That’s when things start getting interesting. For girls, it’s when periods start, boobs develop, and pubic hair shows up. Boys get deeper voices, more muscles, and that first bit of facial hair. It’s like your body’s going through a major makeover!

So, yeah, sex and puberty might seem confusing, but it’s all part of growing up. Just remember, it’s totally normal, and it’s important to stay informed and take care of yourself.

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