The most common mistakes when using a condom

The most common mistakes when using a condom

The condom is one of the most useful and sought-after inventions of modern man. It helps us avoid unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Statistically, a condom offers over a 98% chance of preventing these unwanted effects of sex. A condition for this, however, is to use it correctly. What are the reasons we fall into the pesky remaining 2%? The most common are the troubles from its improper use. Whether out of haste, worry, or lack of experience, many couples make mistakes that can easily be avoided. In the first place is the incorrect opening of the condom shell. Sometimes teeth are used to open it, which can lead to tearing of the product, and this does not lead to anything good… The next step – placement is also not without potential blunders. If it is put on the wrong side in a hurry, it is better to throw it away and use a new one. Otherwise, the condom remains loose, leading to slippage. It is also possible that part of the pre-ejaculate remains on the wall of the condom, which in turn dramatically increases the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases. NEWS_MORE_BOX Using the wrong lubricant can also cause problems. In no case should the use of latex condoms be combined with petroleum products, such as petroleum jelly, which may compromise the integrity of the condom. Always use water-based products that not only do not pose risks to the condom, but also do not irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions. Before it is inserted, the air from the bubble at the top must be squeezed out. If this rule is not followed, there is a high probability that it will crack. The condom should not be removed immediately after the erection has passed. This mistake can lead to spillage of seminal fluid, which poses great risks to the partner. While the above errors are caused by improper use, there are also storage errors. All products we buy have an expiration date and condoms are no exception. A longer storage period leads to a loss of its elasticity and reliability. When stored in a wallet or bag, there is a risk of being pierced or pressed by another object. If a foul happens, don’t despair! A condom is only one method of contraception. If for some reason you have not used it correctly or find a violation of its integrity after the act, you can always consult a doctor or pharmacist for emergency measures against unwanted pregnancy or prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. There is usually a window that allows for action in this direction, but it is no longer than 72 hours after the incident. The sooner you seek a solution, the better for your health!

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