The sexual woes of the impoverished

The sexual woes of the impoverished

1. Ebbs and flows of pleasure Lack of sex or decreased libido cannot always be considered as an alarming symptom of a relationship problem. Human desire ebbs and flows. Sometimes we have a passionate urge, and sometimes we prefer to relax in front of the TV with a glass of aperitif and a tasty appetizer. Reasons for a drop in sexual desire can be saturation between partners in a relationship when it is long enough, or seasonal hormonal changes. During the autumn-winter period, the natural production of sex hormones and pheromones in the human body decreases, which creates a certain barrier even for prominent macho men. Age limit is also important in maintaining libido. It is normal for an elderly man to not have the same desire as a young male. It is normal for an elderly woman not to have the same sex drive and passion as a girl just entering childbearing age. It is normal for people suffering from chronic fatigue to not have enough strength and desire for sex, regardless of their gender. When the work environment is stressful enough, the effect of work strain is to suppress the desire for sex. The most common problems are people in the financial sector. Most people start work at 8 in the morning and their working day lasts sometimes more than 12 hours. Very often they do not stop for a lunch break and most of them travel a long time after work until they come home for a rest and a freshly cooked meal. 2. Effects of an unhealthy work schedule If you work in a company whose activity is or borders on business administration, even in cases where you own the company and you are your own boss, then the stressors are even stronger and lead to the production of more stress hormones from the cortex of the adrenal glands – adrenaline. The effect of this hormone when it occurs chronically is an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, energy and desire for sex. The representatives of the stronger sex with a problematic work environment and a stressful environment during the day also report problems with their erection. 3. Sexual disturbances caused by a busy schedule Regardless of the type of work, a busy work schedule can cause sexual problems to appear. Sufferers complain of less time for sex and fatigue, which does not allow their sex drive to peak. Climax is another cause of disturbing sex life. During this period, there is a total hormonal imbalance, which is accompanied by a lack of libido and stimulation for love caresses. In the gentle half of the population, vaginal disturbances occur during periods of a busy work schedule and stress at the workplace. A common symptom in them is reduced or absent production of a natural vaginal lubricant, important during sexual intercourse. Men, on the other hand, complain of difficulties in obtaining an erection. Sometimes the stressful work day manifests itself with a lack of romance in the contact between a man and a woman.Cases of missed foreplay are not rare either. 4. What measures are in place? Leaving the problem in the “unsolvable cases” list can cause the connection to collapse. If work interferes with your love life, you need to take action quickly, otherwise you will feel the collapse of the relationship, which brings even more stress to both partners. NEWS_MORE_BOX There are no magic solutions, you can’t just quit your job and take a long vacation. First of all, it is important to be honest with your partner. Most of those affected share that they are not looking for a sexual partner during the week, but a partner with whom they can share the sorrow of the working day and relax the tension. It is necessary to pay more attention to the partner in the evening and take care of his peace and well-being. It’s a two-way process, of course. It should not be considered that tired and tired men from the working environment should devote themselves entirely to the relaxation of the ladies and vice versa. Also pay attention to your behavior at home. Love language and manner of behavioral expression are of utmost importance in sexual relationships between two individuals. Try to predispose your partner – a light massage after dinner while watching some TV show or indulge in an evening cuddle in bed. While traveling home it is good to achieve refreshment of the spirit from work problems and tension from work. Don’t let work intrude on your days off. They are on vacation for that! To feel the peace and enjoy your free time leave it for your family and loved ones. Make sex special. No partner would like it if they found out they were being used for quick sex, except in a few small exceptions. Do not hurry. Be calm, act moderately fast and moderately slow. Breathe. Kiss. Take your time and enjoy the moment you are living with the person you love.Love language and manner of behavioral expression are of utmost importance in sexual relationships between two individuals. Try to predispose your partner – a light massage after dinner while watching some TV show or indulge in an evening cuddle in bed. While traveling home it is good to achieve refreshment of the spirit from work problems and tension from work. Don’t let work intrude on your days off. They are on vacation for that! To feel the peace and enjoy your free time leave it for your family and loved ones. Make sex special. No partner would like it if they found out they were being used for quick sex, except in a few small exceptions. Do not hurry. Be calm, act moderately fast and moderately slow. Breathe. Kiss. Give yourself time and enjoy the moment you are experiencing with the person you love.Love language and manner of behavioral expression are of utmost importance in sexual relationships between two individuals. Try to predispose your partner – a light massage after dinner while watching some TV show or indulge in an evening cuddle in bed. While traveling home it is good to achieve refreshment of the spirit from work problems and tension from work. Don’t let work intrude on your days off. They are on vacation for that! To feel the peace and enjoy your free time leave it for your family and loved ones. Make sex special. No partner would like it if they found out they were being used for quick sex, except in a few small exceptions. Do not hurry. Be calm, act moderately fast and moderately slow. Breathe. Kiss. Give yourself time and enjoy the moment you are experiencing with the person you love.

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