The ten scourges of birth control pills

The ten scourges of birth control pills

Birth control pills are those little pills that prevent pregnancy. But the arguments about whether they have a more positive or negative role on a woman’s body are many and at the same time contradictory. Birth control pills first appeared in the US in 1960. Today’s pills contain only 1.2% of the hormones they did back then. In principle, it has been scientifically proven that contraceptives are useful, but they must be taken correctly. Their efficiency reaches 99% and they guarantee a very small risk of metabolic disorders. But what are their side effects? Irregular menstruation Improper use of oral contraceptives is one of the most common causes of irregular periods. This problem can also occur when taking hormones. For this reason, every woman should familiarize herself very well with the way of taking contraceptives. Extramenstrual bleeding Half of women who take oral contraceptives experience unpleasant extramenstrual vaginal bleeding. It usually starts after taking the first tablets and lasts for about three months. In 90% of cases, it normalizes, but if it lasts too long, consultation with a specialist is mandatory. Nausea Nausea is among the invariable side effects of birth control pills. It also subsides within a few weeks and is not a worrisome symptom. To reduce the occurrence of nausea, it is recommended to take the contraceptives during meals. If they are in a form other than a tablet, it is good to consult a specialist to change the contraceptive. Tender breasts These pills cause a change in the shape of the breasts, they could increase, soften or become too hard, which goes hand in hand with pain in this area. Lumps often appear. If they do not disappear within the first three months, medical attention should be sought. Reduction of breast sensitivity during this period can be achieved by limiting the consumption of caffeine and salt. Headache For the effective treatment of headache attacks, specialists recommend combining hormonal contraceptives with the so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and triptans. Headache is a common side effect of hormonal contraceptives and occurs primarily in the phase of the cycle, when the level of estrogens and the activity of the contraceptives drop rapidly. According to the data, women taking contraceptives use 1.5 times more headache remedies than other women. NEWS_MORE_BOX Gaining weight Especially the first hormone contributes a lot to water retention and thus interferes with losing weight – it causes an increase in personal weight. In the end, it turns out that the more estrogen there is, the stronger the fattening effect. For example, using birth control pills with a high concentration of estrogen (50 mcg),you are expected to gain between 2 and 5 kilograms in a year. This anti-effect will not be observed (or will be several times less significant) if means with a 20 mcg content are used. The use of birth control pills causes weight gain in another way – they increase the level of insulin in the blood. With a high presence of the hormone produced by the pancreas, the appetite increases a lot, and in addition, the conversion of carbohydrates into fats is also supported. When following a diet to lose weight, the goal is exactly the opposite – to use fat for energy and eventually burn it, leaving only lean muscle mass. Decreased sexual activity Contraceptives often lead to a loss of sexual desire. This is because they inhibit the production of testosterone, which affects libido. Oral contraceptives often change women’s preferences for men. Psychologists have found that women taking oral contraceptives prefer rough, macho men. Changes in mood A large percentage of women taking contraceptives complain that in the first months of taking they had frequent mood changes. The reason for this effect is due to synthetically derived hormones that affect the hormonal balance of the body, to which it must adapt. Estrogen, which is contained in contraceptives, also lowers to some extent the levels of serotonin, which is responsible for pleasant emotions, and this is also one of the reasons for the observed more frequent depressions in women taking contraceptives. Hair loss Sometimes birth control pills cause a violent response in the body that leads to serious deviations in hormonal levels. In some women, one of the affected areas is the hair, and profuse hair loss is observed, which can cause serious problems. It is mandatory to change the preparation before the consequences have become more serious. Heart disease and malignancy Birth control pills have sometimes been linked to increased blood pressure and liver tumors. They also carry a risk of developing cervical cancer, scientists warn. Women with a family history of any of these diseases are advised to use such medications. Specialists remind that each tool is strictly individual and should always be used after consultation with a doctor. First, a gynecological examination should be done, the age of the woman should be taken into account, the advantages and disadvantages should be explained to her, and only then should the contraceptives suitable for her be prescribed, said other obstetricians and gynecologists. It is not a problem for young girls to use them either, as there are many new generations of contraceptives with low hormone content, but they must be taken after an examination and age determination. Also, other diseases are taken into account, for which such preparations cannot be prescribed, said the specialist.For example, smoking greatly affects the effect of the pills. Because cigarettes narrow blood vessels, and contraceptives have the same effect.

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