The truth about penis enlargement

The truth about penis enlargement

Despite the assurances of thousands of psychologists and psychiatrists, millions of men around the world continue to brag about the extent of their dignity. The Internet is flooded with all kinds of advertisements of miraculous and innovative discoveries, recipes or products that promise spectacular results in record time. The truth is that the human penis does not grow after puberty, even when exposed to extremely high levels of vitamins, minerals, or herbs—typical ingredients in most nutritional supplements aggressively advertised as “growth-promoting” or “size-enhancing.” Otherwise, these products would be distributed in the pharmacy network, and not through dubious channels, where it is difficult to clarify the origin of the product and its exact composition. Moreover, the penis does not grow even after exposure to extremely high levels of testosterone, as is the case with quite a few bodybuilders. The vast clinical experience of hundreds of thousands of general practitioners, urologists, andrologists and psychologists around the world has shown that of the non-surgical techniques, only penis stretching devices have some effectiveness. Indeed, cases of an increase in length of 1, even 2 centimeters have been described, but only after 6 months of continuous wear. The use of such devices, however, must be done under medical supervision. All other non-surgical methods – tablets, ointments, vacuum pumps, exercises, manual stretching, etc., have shown zero effectiveness – clinically proven. Any expenses in this direction are a waste of time, money, and often a serious health risk. Traces of heavy metals, hormones and all kinds of pollutants have been found in various supplements. Surgical alternatives, on the other hand, offer more tangible benefits, but at a far higher cost – both literally and figuratively. The most commonly used penile augmentation technique is the transfer of fat tissue taken from the patient’s abdomen or thighs to the patient’s penis. While the initial results can be impressive – increasing the girth of the penis by up to 4 centimeters – surgeons warn that the body subsequently reabsorbs most of the transplanted tissue, losing most of what has been achieved. According to Professor Kevin Wylie, a consultant in sexual medicine, fat injection will soon be replaced by a new technique that is still in the experimental stage. In it, a tubular “frame” made of biodegradable materials is implanted under the skin of the penis. The frame is filled with living cells taken from the patient. According to Professor Wiley, this is a permanent and effective method of enlarging the girth of the penis, which will, however, become available in the coming years. NEWS_MORE_BOX The least risky and most widely used method of increasing the length of the penis is to cut the tendon that attaches the penis to the pelvic bones. This seemingly lengthens the penis by up to 2 centimeters,but most of the two centimeters gained is visible only in a relaxed state. In the erect state, the member has almost the same length as before the operation. A big disadvantage of the procedure is that during erection, the member does not occupy the same angle to the body as before. Many men tell their surgeons that this makes sex much more difficult because it requires more “maneuvering” and patience on the part of both partners. Professor White warns that in many cases gaining 2 centimeters in a relaxed state does not justify the subsequent discomfort. For men with pronounced obesity, the most effective procedure is liposuction. Experience shows that it is the procedure with which patients express the greatest satisfaction. By itself, it does not make the penis bigger. By removing excess fat around it, however, liposuction increases the accessible part of the penis by an average of two centimeters. Unlike other procedures, the changes here are permanent, unless the patient subsequently gains a lot of excess weight. Any surgical procedure carries serious risks. The patient should consult his surgeon, who will inform him in detail about the potential benefits and risks and help him make the right decision according to the individual characteristics and characteristics of each particular man.

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