Vaginal yeast infection – some tips on how to avoid it again

Vaginal yeast infection – some tips on how to avoid it again

80% of women have experienced the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection. The most common complaints of the condition, in addition to the intrusive discomfort, are redness and itching of the affected skin, discharge of vaginal discharge with a specific odor and thicker whitish consistency, burning during urination, moderate pain during sexual intercourse. In the case of a vaginal fungal infection, the change in the white discharge is specific – it resembles curdled milk, sometimes the presence of separate white pieces is reported. In a more severe condition, a slight increase in body temperature is also possible. Most often, vaginal yeast infection is caused by Candida. Its distribution is strong and our body encounters it daily. In some women, the fungus becomes part of the natural microflora of the vagina. The body is susceptible to fungal infection when there is an imbalance of general or local immunity. When sick and treated with antibiotics, the development of a fungal infection is highly likely, which is why, when writing the prescription, the doctor should also prescribe a preparation that prevents such a possibility. Reproduction of the fungus also occurs with the use of aggressive soaps and other detergents that disrupt the natural acidic environment of the vagina. The tendency to yeast infections is thought to increase in high blood sugar and people with diabetes. Last but not least, the fungal infection develops after sexual contact and transfer of the microorganism from the partner. In order to prevent the recurrence of the vaginal fungal infection, it is recommended to provide the body with a sufficient amount of probiotics, thanks to which the natural balance of the intestinal flora is maintained. Probiotics are non-pathogenic microorganisms that we ingest through food. They remain viable in the digestive system by forming colonies on the intestinal mucosa of the intestine. These bacteria are particularly useful for the body with the substances they release – enzymes and cellular bioproducts. In the counter case, probiotics create unsuitable conditions – a more acidic environment – for the development of pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi. Undoubtedly, their activity is not only local, but also general for the organism. Probiotics can be obtained through lactic acid products. Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are considered to have the best effect on the body. One of the signs of a vaginal fungal infection is that when you do a toilet with an aggressive detergent, you experience unpleasant burning, stinging and pinching. Changing the detergent in this case is imperative. It is good to provide an intimate washing gel that contains lactobacilli or lactic acid. In general, it is generally desirable for a woman to avoid aggressive soaps for intimate hygiene – such are ordinary toilets, shower gels, etc. The reason is,that their composition destroys the natural protective layer of the genital mucosa and makes the local environment more alkaline and suitable for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, including Candida. Often, as the skin, even more so the mucous membrane, dries out. The micro-cracks themselves are a gateway for infections. In the case of a fungal infection, both partners should be treated. Although the man in most cases has no complaints and signs of fungal infection, he remains a carrier of harmful microorganisms. The therapy is relatively short-term and non-burdensome, so its implementation should not be difficult. If the partner is not treated, it is very likely that the woman will be re-infected – one of the most common reasons for the chronic nature of the vaginal yeast infection. At the end of the treatment, although the unpleasant symptoms of the infection are no longer experienced, it is recommended to carry out control microbiological examination. Sometimes it is necessary to extend the therapy in order to destroy the remaining number of Candida. It should be borne in mind that fungi are resistant microorganisms and require serious and strict implementation of the treatment and the doctor’s recommendations. Good hygiene habits are also important. Their resistance requires washing the underwear at a high temperature or changing it completely. If the vaginal fungal infection is a frequent phenomenon, it is recommended to find out the cause of the recurrences, which requires more serious research and consultation with a more qualified specialist.

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