Vegetarians have better sex

Vegetarians have better sex

People who have excluded meat from their diet have much better sex than others, scientists from California have concluded. This is because certain plant products that vegetarians consume affect hormone levels and improve sexual performance. For a long time, vegetarians were considered to be more passive in bed, but according to a new study, the quality of intimate caresses among vegetable lovers is much higher. Researchers found a link between phytoestrogens and the behavior of a group of primates. The scientists observed the human-like animals in a national reserve in Uganda and carefully monitored their behavior towards the opposite sex, courtship and fertilization. NEWS_MORE_BOX So they noticed that primates who ate the leaves of certain plants containing phytoestrogens had higher levels of sex hormones. This made the monkeys have sex more often. The research debunks the myth that meat makes men more masculine, because in reality it turns out that fruits and vegetables are the key to high potency. And more – when you go out on a date with a vegetarian, keep in mind that he probably builds his opinion of you on the principle “A man is what he eats”. This is especially characteristic of women who, even if they are attracted to carnivorous men, do not feel the desire to have sex with them. The phenomenon is described in the report of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, in the study of which 200 sexually active vegetarians participated.

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