Viagra causes hearing loss?!

Viagra causes hearing loss?!

Viagra can cause hearing loss in people who take it to reach the peak of passion, British doctors have warned. The pill is increasingly being linked to hearing loss, a condition that is suddenly striking people around the world. UK researchers are carrying out a large-scale study that covers Europe, the Americas, East Asia and Australia. Their goal is to determine whether in individual countries there are cases of “Viagra deafness” – loss of hearing immediately after taking the pill. Scientists found 47 similar cases – short-term hearing loss in one ear, which is associated with Viagra and similar medications – Levitra and Cialis. The average age of those affected was 57, although two 37-year-old men were also recorded, reports The Laryngoscope magazine. It is not clear how long the problem lasts, but scientists explain that this type of hearing loss is most often caused by infections or exposure to too much noise, and usually causes permanent damage in 1/3 of cases. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises people taking Viagra, Levitra and Cialis if they experience a hearing problem to stop taking the pills immediately and see a doctor. Experts in Great Britain are not aware of exactly how Viagra affects hearing. It is possible that one of the chemical reactions that the pill causes affects the ears. However, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in Great Britain states that such cases are rare, and there is still no definitive evidence that it is the Viagra pill that causes the hearing loss.

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