Vulvo what? Or vulvovaginitis – an overview

Vulvo what? Or vulvovaginitis – an overview

Almost every woman at some point in her life gets more abundant vaginal discharge, which causes her worry and certain physical and mental discomfort. Due to the rich medical terminology that is used, many of the ladies feel confused when communicating the diagnosis and are not aware of exactly what they are suffering from and what is the cause. Therefore, in the following lines, we will explain these several concepts: Vulva (Vulva) is a collective term and it is used to mark the external sexual organs of a woman – labia majora and labia minora, the pubic eminence, the clitoris, the vestibule of the vagina, the perineum – the perineum, the hymen, as well as the corpora cavernosa and Bartholin’s glands. Inflammation of the vulva is called vulvitis and is caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, most often inhabiting the intestinal flora. The vagina (in Latin Vagina, in ancient Greek Colpos) is part of the internal sex organs and is a tubular muscular organ that connects the vulva to the uterus. Since all three terms are used in practice, it is good to clarify that when there is inflammation of the vagina in the medical documents, this condition can be noted as colpitis or vaginitis, i.e. the two words are synonyms. Another word that derives from Colpos and is also often used in gynecological practice is colposcopy and literally means inspection of the vagina. The most common causes of infections in a woman’s genital area are bacteria, viruses and fungi. Due to the narrow spatial relationships, it is difficult for an inflammatory disease to remain localized in only one area of ​​the genital tract. Quite often, the infection spreads and it usually affects both the vagina and the vulva, and that is why doctors note such a condition as vulvovaginitis. Of course, in order to make this diagnosis, the necessary symptoms must also be present: redness, pain, itching and leakage of pathological vaginal discharge – a characteristic clinical picture. NEWS_MORE_BOX Vulvovaginitis can be caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. It is usually Candida albicans. The inflammation it causes is called candidiasis. Most often, this microorganism invades the mucous membranes and skin, but it can cause systemic infections by spreading through the bloodstream. Of the bacterial causative agents, the most common are chlamydia and gonococci. The inflammatory diseases that cause them are called chlamydia and gonorrhea (tripper), respectively. Predisposing factors for the occurrence of infection of the vulva and vagina are pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, antibiotic treatment, taking corticosteroids, changes in the levels of female hormones, etc. These conditions and diseases lead to a change in the natural environment of the vagina, which is maintained by the lactic acid bacteria of Döderlein. The normal vaginal flora has a certain level of acidity, which prevents the entry and development of pathogenic microorganisms. Generally,in order to clarify everything related to our condition, it is necessary to talk freely with our obstetrician-gynecologist and ask him about what we do not understand and what worries us.

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