What are the secrets of non-committal relationships and are they harmful to health?

What are the secrets of non-committal relationships and are they harmful to health?

In past years, family coziness was in the main ideas of communication between representatives of the opposite sex, who have a certain physical attraction to each other. Marriage was the most ancient way of perpetuating the relationship between the two sexes and provided an opportunity for their future development and the creation of a generation to complete the genetic order. Subsequently, relationships begin to enter en masse, which place on a pedestal only the pleasure of sexual intercourse. According to many psychologists, this in turn leads to the development of many relationships without serious commitments, which rely solely on the starting point of sex without emotional commitment between partners. The main reason for this is the mass penetration of the media into people’s lives, as well as the increasingly strong development of the porn industry. The financial factor of a person’s life is not without importance, which requires paying attention to career development, and according to many, a serious relationship would prevent this human desire. What are the secrets of non-committal relationships and are they harmful to health? The principles of this type of relationship, according to many psychologists, to some extent supports the thesis of good emotional and physical health. They explain these statements with the hypothesis that in conditions of serious relationships with a sexual partner of the opposite sex, this often leads to regular scandals, quarrels and problems in the daily routine. Of course, in a large percentage of relationships this does not happen because the personalities of the individuals match or they are mature enough to lead such a lifestyle. However, how do non-committal relationships care for human health? The link between stress hormones and the deterioration of human health has been proven. This is usually the result of daily stress and problems in family relationships, which often leads to an increased release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline from the adrenal glands. According to specialists in endocrinology, this leads to a drastic deterioration in the balance of the human organism, which in turn excessively burdens the cerebral cortex. It has been proven that people subjected to severe stress of any nature, after a much shorter time, develop extremely severe cortical atrophy, which is analogous to that of elderly people around 80-90 years of age. This type of problem in young people occurs with daily exposure to tension and pre-work stress. The important question, however, is whether this type of relationship is tolerated by everyone and whether everyone would be prepared to bear the burden of casual sex? In order for such a relationship to be successful, the basis of communication between partners must be the issue of honesty and sincerity in the relationship. It has been proven that people who do not hide from their partners that they have other admirers and sexual partners live much longer and their levels of stress hormones are significantly reduced. That is right,because the worries of infidelity disappear and the only thing that peaks in this type of communication is the release of more hormones of happiness, known in scientific circles as endorphins. NEWS_MORE_BOX Another important point in the conditions of this type of communication is to eliminate all harmful factors engaging human thought and concern. In this aspect, modern specialists in psychology and sexual medicine share that among the most common factors for the development of erectile dysfunction in men is the long-term viewing of erotic and pornographic films. The reason is that, on a purely psychological level, they set higher goals for themselves, which impairs both their choice of sexual partner from a purely physical point of view, and their ability to rein in their intercourse due to concerns about size of the penis and its possibility of its infinitely maintained erection. In modern life, however, we witness daily on the news broadcasts of people who have suffered from a love experience and end their lives. The reason for this can often be the increased promiscuity in modern man, which forces him to turn more and more to non-committal relationships. Due to the lack of sufficient sincerity on the part of one partner, these relationships often end disastrously for the weaker sex, as it has been proven that they are prone to experiencing a need for love more often and the probability of falling in love with their sexual partner is significantly larger. The reason can again be explained by the hormonal functionality of the body. Stimulation of the intimate areas of the female body, as well as the mammillary areas of the female breast, causes a violent release of attachment hormones – oxytocin. This hormone has been known and described since time immemorial as the one responsible for the creation of the maternal instinct in women and the creation of the definitive relationship between mother and child already at the age when the newborn is breastfeeding and directly stimulates the mammary glands to produce the special hormone. In these and other similar conditions, the relationship that develops between sexual partners is usually difficult to break, and the lack of good information on the part of one often leads to the catastrophic consequences of the modern way of life in many young individuals. And sexually transmitted infections and their high frequency among young people can be mentioned as a relatively common negative of this type of relationship. The reason is that unprotected intercourse is still tolerated as giving more pleasure. Among the most common infections of the genital tract are trichomonal and chlamydial bacteriosis. Usually, these can be latent diseases that occur without a pronounced clinical picture, which requires those who regularly practice unprotected sex to be examined for the most common venereal diseases. The risks of such an infection are great, both for one’s own body and for future sexual partners.Medical scientists have proven years ago that chlamydia infections can be described as the silent killers of dreams, because sooner or later they lead to the loss of fertility.

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