What do men and women regret sexually?

What do men and women regret sexually?

When it comes to sex, have you ever thought about what men and women might regret? And, yes, we regret different things, according to a new study conducted by psychologists at the University of Texas at Austin. The study is divided into three experiments. In the first, 200 participants rated a hypothetical scenario in which someone regretted pursuing or not being able to pursue a potential sexual partner. Participants are then asked to rate their regret on a scale of one to five. In the second experiment, 395 participants were asked to make a list of sexual regrets, indicating which of them they had personally experienced. The third experiment mirrored the second, but on a larger scale – it included 24,230 participants – heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. The results revealed that both sexes regretted having sex with someone who was not physically attractive. 24% of women regret losing their virginity to the wrong person, and 27% of men regret turning down a potential sexual partner. NEWS_MORE_BOX Women also regret cheating on a previous partner and also moving too fast sexually. Men, on the other hand, regret not being more sexually liberated when they were younger or free. For comparison, the pattern is similar for homosexual and bisexual men and women. Social psychology professor Marty Hazelton explains that from an evolutionary perspective, for men, any missed opportunity to have sex with a new partner is a missed potential reproductive opportunity—a valuable loss. The study was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior.

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