What else can contraceptives be used for?

What else can contraceptives be used for?

Oral contraceptives are medications that contain different hormones. Some contain progesterone and others are combined and contain estrogens as well. Their main function is to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but they could also be used for other purposes. Here they are: 1. Relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome Over 90% of women experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. They usually appear a week or two before your period. Symptoms may include fatigue, mood swings, irritability, bloating, and breast tenderness. These complaints are usually due to disturbances in the levels of individual hormones. The medications deliver a constant dose of estrogen and progesterone throughout the month, which reduces hormonal fluctuations resulting from premenstrual syndrome. 2. Relieve the symptoms of endometriosis Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in which tissue similar to that which makes up the uterine lining – endometrium – is established in various locations outside the uterus – usually on the ovaries, intestines and bladder. This excess tissue causes swelling, inflammation and scarring, resulting in severe pain. Taking contraceptives relieves the severity of monthly menstrual symptoms, especially pain, as it inhibits the growth of the endometrium in the uterus as well as the migrated tissue outside it. 3. May reduce menstrual bleeding Taking contraceptives may suppress the growth of endometrial tissue. In some cases, this leads to a lack of menstrual bleeding. Some medications include 21 days of active hormone pills and seven days of inactive or placebo pills. Menstrual bleeding occurs while taking inactive medications. However, because the mucosa is thinned, bleeding is less. Changes in the menstrual cycle can be different depending on the medicine taken, as well as on the individual characteristics of the woman. 4. A more beautiful face Taking contraceptives can reduce facial pimples as well as facial hair. They are often the result of an increased amount of hormones called androgens. Androgens, including testosterone, are the main hormones in men, but are also present in certain amounts in women. 5. Relieve menopausal symptoms Taking birth control pills can relieve symptoms that occur during menopause. This is achieved by maintaining a balance in hormone levels. This balance leads to a smoother transition to menopause and less frequent occurrence of symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and irregular bleeding. 6. Relieves Migraines Many women experience migraines related to their menstrual cycle, also known as hormonal headaches. It starts before or during menstruation and usually happens every month. Migraines are caused by a sharp drop in estrogen levels before menstruation.Taking hormonal birth control pills can help keep estrogen levels constant throughout the menstrual cycle and therefore prevent migraines. 7. Relieve Painful Periods Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstrual cramps that occur before or during your period. They are due to the release of prostaglandins from the lining of the uterus. During menstruation, the uterus contracts in order to remove the excess swollen mucous membrane in the absence of pregnancy. These contractions are stimulated by the released prostaglandins. Contraceptives can thin the endometrium. The thinner mucosal wall is shed more quickly by the uterus, therefore the levels of prostaglandins needed for contraction are lowered. This leads to relief of spasms. 8. Relieve Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Normally, a woman’s body releases at least one egg during each menstrual cycle. In polycystic ovary syndrome, these mature eggs are not released. Instead, they remain in the ovaries, which can lead to infertility. Other symptoms include irregular periods and excess body hair, as hormonal imbalance is at the root of PCOS. Contraceptives can regulate hormone levels, resulting in the release of eggs on time and a regular menstrual cycle. Source: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a19956420/birth-control-uses-besides-contraception/

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