What helps with menopause hot flashes?

What helps with menopause hot flashes?

To deal with hot flashes that appear as a result of menopause, different hormonal therapies are not necessary, it is enough to apply the following natural remedies and methods: 1. Intake of cold drinks Hot flashes are caused by an increase in body temperature, as a result of which the thermoregulatory function of the body is activated and the woman begins to sweat. Therefore, lowering the body temperature by drinking a cold glass of water will reduce these unpleasant effects. Also, one can wet the neck with cold water, which will instantly lower the temperature. Another recommendation is the consumption of cold coffee, not warm. For some women, it is the intake of hot drinks that causes hot flashes. 2. Vitamin intake Vitamins B6 and B12 have an important role in maintaining estrogen levels, as well as in the production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Foods high in B6 are meat, seafood, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, and many fruits, but not citrus fruits. Vitamin B12 is mainly obtained from animal proteins, therefore, with reduced or absent consumption of these products, it is important to obtain the relevant vitamins through supplements. 3. Herbal Supplements There are some completely natural hormone-free herbal supplements that can help with thermoregulation. Consultation with a personal physician or gynecologist is important in order to choose a suitable product. 4. More sleep Sleep is especially important for women during menopause. For a long time, it was thought that sleep quality was disrupted as a result of hot flashes, but according to the National Institute on Aging, the opposite may also be true. It turns out that waking up from sleep can trigger hot flashes and night sweats. 5. Lose weight Losing weight can help you deal with hot flashes faster. According to information from a study published in Menopause, fat tissue acts as a thermal insulator, making it more difficult to regulate body heat. Also, according to scientists from the University of Pittsburgh, hot flashes appear earlier in overweight women. 6. Limiting alcohol and sugary foods According to the University of Pittsburgh, women who regularly consume alcohol experience longer hot flashes than those who do not. This is most often observed when red wine is consumed. In general, alcohol and sugar increase cortisol and blood sugar levels and thus induce a feeling of stress, which in turn worsens the flow of waves. 7. Detox the environment Eliminating plastic is among the recommendations of specialists. This can be achieved by switching to reusable water bottles – glass or metal. Parabens in daily care products can act like estrogen in the body. Another study from April 2016,published in ​Reproductive Toxicology​ found a link between phthalate levels in personal care products and an increased risk of hot flashes. Sources: https://www.livestrong.com/article/13768803-natural-remedies-for-hot-flashes/ https://www.upmc.com/media/news/brooksthurston_trajectories_menopause http://www.menopause.org /docs/default-source/default-document-library/obesity-and-hot-flashes-5-31.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4867120/

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