Which diseases most often affect men?

Which diseases most often affect men?

If you’re a man and you feel like you take better care of your car or computer than you do yourself, you’re not alone. According to statistics, the preventive care that men around the world take for their health has seen an alarming decline in recent years. As the reason for this, the experts point to an unhealthy lifestyle, but they emphasize the role of another negative factor – men’s low awareness of the health problems that threaten them. Several types of diseases can be mentioned, which, due to purely gender characteristics, mainly threaten men. With regard to these diseases, official statistics indicate that the majority of those affected are precisely the representatives of the stronger sex. Heart problems According to the American Heart Association, at least one in three men show symptoms of heart problems. They come in different forms. Heart attacks are the most common, affecting about 3 million men every year. They are followed by hypertension, which is a major risk factor for the occurrence of heart problems. Almost one in five men under the age of 45 have chronic high blood pressure. Recently, health authorities around the world announced that the standard for diagnosing hypertension is changing to lower blood pressure values, which will further increase the number of affected men. Most worrying about heart problems is the fact that the risk of them is completely predictable based on some indicative risk factors such as hereditary predisposition, high cholesterol, smoking, etc. All of these factors are more common among men, which explains the higher incidence of heart problems in men. However, it is difficult to explain the lack of preventive care in men permanently exposed to these factors. Respiratory diseases According to the American Lung Association, in recent years the number of men diagnosed with serious diseases of the respiratory tract exceeds several times the number of women. The most common diseases are lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc. Depressive conditions 6 million men in the US alone have been diagnosed with serious emotional problems such as depression, anxiety disorders and social phobias. According to experts, the total number worldwide could rise to 20 million. Traditionally, emotional disorders are more often associated with the female sex, and their increasing prevalence among men in recent years is primarily a sign of neglect of the seriousness of this type of illness and the lack of preventive measures against them among men. NEWS_MORE_BOX Skin cancer It’s a disease that few people would expect to see in such a ranking, but men’s obsession with acquiring a more saturated complexion in recent years has seriously turned the statistics upside down. According to official data, over two-thirds of the victims of melanoma – the most severe form of skin cancer – are men.This statistic is also associated with men’s less serious attitude towards this type of disease and their weaker attitude to use quality sun protection products throughout the year. HIV and AIDS Worldwide, 76% of HIV-virus carriers are men. Logically, dominance of the stronger sex is also reported in cases where HIV infection has already progressed to AIDS.

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